20) We are Over

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Vibha's Point Of View


I woke up with faint voices which disturbed my sleep. My eyes felt heavy. I blinked them in light. My entire body was aching in pain. My back spine hurts like hell. I felt as if I've been beaten up by a bunch of people. The smell of medicines reached my nostrils. I was resting in the hospital bed, unable to move an inch. My breath was slow. I could barely keep my eyes open.

"My daughter is here in this state only because of your son!"I heard a loud voice outside the room and i could recognise it as my mother.

"Why are you blaming him for no reason? He can't do any such thing. Before pointing fingers at him, try to learn the truth"I heard another sharp voice which was supposed to be Anand's mom.

"You both need to calm down. Mom, this is a hospital. Please try to control yourself"I heard bavas voice.

"Why are you shouting at me jay? I know what exactly I'm speaking. Anand can never do such a thing"aunty said again.

"Seriously? Your son trapped my daughter. He made her pregnant and now my-my daughter lost her baby only because of him. Your son Anand. I'm sure that he's the one who gave her  abortion pills. He even locked my daughter inside that room and ran away!"amma said and my eyes wide opened

Abortion pills?

Lost baby?


Locked me up in a room?

I touched my stomach. Something felt uneasy. I felt my eyes blurring. My breaths were fastening. My heart quenched in pain. Is my baby there? Why do feel like she's not there inside me?

No no no........My baby is alright. She's alright.

But why I'm I not able to feel my baby? Is she fine? I wanted to scream and shout. My body was barely responding. What happened to me? I remember Anand feeding me breakfast. He left the room. I wanted to sleep but I couldn't. I decided to call Amma. But I felt pain in my stomach. I fell on the floor, cried and begged for help. But no one came. Everything blacked out. Now, here I'm in the hospital.

Oh god..My baby? My child? Is it gone?

"No"I tried to remove the pins attatched to my hand. I kept on clutching my stomach to feel my baby. But I felt like passing out of air. I tried to sit. But I couldn't.

"Vibha don't!"I heard Akkas concerned voice. I opened my eyes and saw her rushing towards me. She hugged me to her chest. I hugged her back and cried. I wanted to ask whether my baby is alright. But I would faint at any moment. My whole body was aching.

"Vibha please. Calm down. You're fine"akka whispered some soothing words and made me lay on the bed. I was restless to speak. I saw her rushing outside the room and soon Bava stepped inside along with her. Bava checked my temperature. I could see their tensed faces and swollen eyes. Everything just made me feel more and more miserable.

"You're alright"Bava gave me a fake smile.

"I-My head is......."I trailed off and gasped.

"You'll be fine in few minutes. Don't stress yourself. You need to take rest. Your body is too weak"akka said.

I held her hand and clutched my stomach with the other. I tried to sit and she helped me. I looked at her

"Akka what happened to me? Is my baby alright? She's fine right?"I asked, hopefully. I saw tears rolling down from her eyes. She stood like a frozen statue. I got worried when she didn't respond.

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