18) New Hopes

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Anand's Point Of View


I was waiting outside the room with my head dug in my palms. Anna was sitting right next to me. Mom and Vadina was right inside our room. They were checking Vibha. She'd fainted in my arms the moment I informed that we should abort our baby. I knew she'll be so broken. I knew that we'll end up right here. She won't go for an abortion. I can't loose her too. I feel so helpless. I sobbed like a kid in Anna's shoulder.

"Be strong da. Vennela is talking to her right? Let's wait"he said consoling me. A little later Mom stepped outside the room with a blank face. We quickly got up from the couch.

"Mom is she alright?"I asked, hopefully. She just nodded.

"Why didn't you let me know about Vibha's health before Anand?"she asked and I looked at Anna for an answer.

"Mom is that really important now? Vennela and I had tried our best to find a solution for this. We wanted to save both Vibha and her child. But unfortunately there was no elucidation. So we discussed it with Anand and him with Vibha"Anna explained. Mom sighed

"How's Vibha doing now?"he asked.

"She's stable right now. I've went through her reports. I really don't think we can save Vibha if she decides to continue with this pregnancy. Let's take her to the hospital tomorrow itself and abort the child"mom said as if it was nothing. I froze on my feets.

"Mom.....I hope you're aware that you're talking about Anand's child. His blood is growing inside Vibha's womb"Anna said

"Jay, I know that. Anyway it was a slip from both their sides. What can we do when the life growing inside her is capable of taking her own life?"Mom asked my heart twisted with pain

"Nevermind! Anand, come let's go and meet Vibha"Anna grabbed my wrist and took me inside the room.

I saw Vibha resting her head in Vadinas shoulder. Her broken look, pale face and swollen eyes made me feel sinking in my stomach. She stared at the ground without blinking her eyes.

"You need to talk to her. Mom was right though Anand. We can't delay it anymore. It may cost her life. Convince her for an abortion. I know it's painful but we don't have any option left either. I'm there with you"he squeezed my shoulder. I nodded my head slowly. My eyes welled up with tears.

Vadina looked at us. She tried to get up from the bed but Vibha held her hand tightly. Vadina caressed her hair's and looked at me helplessly. I stepped closer to Vibha and sat on the bed besides her. I held her hand. It was freezing cold.

"Baby we need to talk"I said. She shook her head.

"I know. You'll ask me to kill my child. I won't do that. I can never do that"she touched her belly and sobbed. I looked at Vadina and she nodded her head.

"You need to talk to him Vibha"Vadina said.

"Please Akka. I know what he's asking me to do. Please don't ask me to do that. I want to bring this child into this world. She'd become a part of me. I can't loose my baby!"she begged with tears.

"Vibha we know how much you're attached to your baby. No one is going to separate you from your child. But you have to listen to Anand first and then come to a decision. You consider me as your brother right? Please listen to me"Anna said. She looked on for a moment and then slowly nodded.

"No matter what, we're always with you. Keep that mind"Vadina said touching Vibha's shoulder. She then got up and walked towards Anna. They looked at us once again before leaving the room.

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