Tough love; Chapter 2- The Coltons

Start from the beginning

Once the torturous dinner ended, we decided to go home. I about ran full speed up to my door. But that would be rude, so I just walked fast. Once we were through the doors, I ran to my room and sighed. That was one of the most awkwardest dinners I've ever had.

I'm so glad it's over. I didn't want to be within ten feet of that guy. I rubbed my face and grabbed a black tank top and shorts. I then quickly took a shower and changed. Once I got out, it was only nine. So I decided to get on my laptop. I sat on my bed and flipped open my laptop.

I logged into Facebook and started going through my feed. While I was, I saw a post that made me sad. And of course, it had to do with Hunter. He had posted a picture of him and Emily at the beach. Hunter was holding her like and baby and they were kissing. He was only in his trunks and was wearing a skimpy red bikini that was two sizes to small.

I took a deep breath and kept scrolling.

After about half an hour of doing that, I heard loud music blaring from next door. I knew it had to be Zach. I grunted and threw my laptop onto my bed and went to the window.

That's when I realised his window was right across from mine. Oh shit.....

I sighed and pulled up the window. His window was open, but I couldn't see him in his room. "Hey!" I screamed. I waited until he came to the window and stuck his head out. Once he saw it was me, he rolled his eyes and had this lazy look on his face like he didn't give one shit.

"What the fuck do you want?" He asked, harshly. I rolled my eyes. "Are you that deaf to where you have to blair your music that loud?"

He smirked and raised an eyebrow. It made my heart skip a beat. "No. But I think I'm going to go blind staring at you." He frowned angrily again and stuck his head back inside. I grunted. "Come on! I just want to go to sleep!"

"You didn't look like you were sleeping to me. You were all tied up in the laptop of yours."

"Just turn down the damn music."

Zach jumped on his bed with his phone in his hands. "Ohh, the loser cusses too!" He said, making sure he sounded exaggerating. I sighed and took a deep breath. I waited a minute before trying again. "Please?"

He glanced at me through the window for a spilt second. And I thought he was going to turn it down, before he smirked. "Nope."

I grunted and leaned back inside. Then slammed my window shut.


Lets just say, I didn't get any sleep last night. It wasn't until three in the morning that he finally turned down the music. But it still took me half an hour to get to sleep, because the screaming in those songs were seared into my head.

I groaned and pulled myself out of bed. After getting dressed in a batman shirt and skinny jeans, I slip on my high top black converses and brush my hair. I then brush my teeth and go downstairs.

My parents are both in the kitchen and mom is cooking while making small conversation with dad. I gulped and walked in. "Morning Alex. Rough night?"

"You don't even know the half of it." I groaned, remembering how hard it was to fall asleep with Zach's bedroom window two feet away from mine.

"Well, hurry and eat breakfast. Ryder's coming and driving you to school." I practically jumped out of my seat. "Really?!" I asked, getting exited. She smiled and nodded. "Yes really. Now hurry up."

Ten minutes later, I ran into the arms of my big brother. "Ryder, I haven't seem you in forever!" I cheered. He chuckled and hugged me back. "I saw you last week, sunshine." I smiled wildly as we pull apart, and I stared at his amazing car. It wasn't his race car.(He only drives it in races and for fun.) But it was his bright red Ferrari.

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