29- Reunion of Diya-Ruhaan

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" Why the hell you didn't tell us anything yet?"

Rudra asked- getting pissed off a little after Ruhaan told them about the matter between him and Diya. Ishaani and Kavya are present here too. They all come to Ruhaan's office when he called them urgently.

" Ananya told me that today that man will be going to a party which some of their friends are holding."

" Ananya is going too?"

Kavya asked.

" Hm. Hm. She is thinking to expose him by some plan which is yet to make-"

" Tell her not to do anything."

Everybody look at Ishaani as she interuppted Ruhaan.

" I have an perfect idea."

She glance at Kavya before smirking a little.

" His weakness is women so we will use his weakness against him."

And Ishaani started to tell them her plan which they loved too. Ruhaan exclaimed, clapped his hands.

" How brilliant you are."

Ruhaan commented.

" My wife, she is."

Rudra uttered with proud smile on lips which soon fade away as Ekansh uttered.

" But who will go to him."

And Ekansh, Rudra look at their woman.

" No way!"

Both the Men uttered together as Kavya, Ishaani were about to say something.

" Stop it, guys. We'll just hire someone for this work."

Ruhaan spoke.

" Sounds good!"

Rudra said.

" Just ask Ananya for one entry pass."

Ruhaan hummed at Kavya's words then called his sister who too got to know about the plan. Diya is still unaware about everything as she is busy with her important company work.

I hope we get to know truth. I cannot give you cold shoulders any longer.

Ruhaan mentally said.

Around 8 PM, Ruhaan met his rest friends outside the party hall where his sisters just went. Ruhaan and other's gaze moved at the guy ( politician son), who came with few bodyguards and straight went inside the hall. His friends are with him too.

Ruhaan clenched his jaw seeing them after 3 years. His sister's agony, tears, scream of pain- everything flashed inside his brain.

" Excuse me."

They all turn around to see a woman- few year older than them. Ruhaan recognized her as she is the same whom Ruhaan has hired for their work. After telling her everything again and showing her the picture of Ananya, they let her go inside.

Sitting in a car, Ekansh put his call on speaker which is connected with that woman's phone and she will be using her bluetooth to talk to them.

The woman walked inside the hall after showing her entry pass to guards. She walked inside and moved her eyes here and there to find her target. She spotted Ananya with her friends then her eyes caught the sight of politician son. She rolled her eyes seeing him checking every girl out here.

She covered her left side ear with her hair then walked toward his direction.

" One tequila please."

She wanted to grab their attention which she did by asking for drink from bar attender. The politician son moved his eyes toward her and raised his eyebrows amusingly after checking out her body.
His friends did the same.

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