Naughty Hotel

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Chloe has booked an hotel just for the two of us during the half term.
We was staying for a couple of days, we packed out bags and stuffed them in the car ready to be drivin to the place, we are going to Manchester.
As we finished it was late so we headed to bed to we can get up bright and early in the morning to get there.

I woke up to my alarm, Chloe didn't obviously. I shook Chloe multiple times and she eventually woke up.
We got our self washed and ready, we got in the car and Chloe started to drive to our area.

It was 7:43am when we got out the door to get to Manchester. It was 10:04am when we arrived so it's still in the morning.

Chloe had something in mind after she found a really interesting shop she drove by, she eyeing it until it wasn't in her sight anymore.

We arrived to our hotel room, we put all of our luggage in the rooms.
"Baby, I won't be long I'm just going to pop to shop, I'll give u a call for when I'm coming back" Chloe had said to me.
We kissed goodbye.
As Chloe left to go to shop I unpacked everything, I put out clothes in the wardrobe and the rest of our stuff where they need to be.


I pick up my phone.
"Hi baby, I'm on my way back now"
"Ok Babi, I have unpacked things!"
"Aw thank you love, I have a surprise when I get back so be ready"
" ooo okiii, I'll see you then"
"Bye bye I love you
"Bye bye I love you tooo"

I set my phone aside and I made my to the living room, I sat on the sofa and turned the tv on while I wait for Chloe to come back.

I heard the door open so I looked over and see Chloe with a few backs from the shopping and a pink bag...

Chloe went to the kitchen to drop the shopping bags and came back to the living room with the pink bag. We kissed and hugged, she sat next to me on the sofa. She handed me the bag.
I toke it out her hand and I peeked, I couldn't really know what it is so I toke it out the bag, my eyes widened while Chloe had a smile on her face.
"I want you to wash them and put them on today" Chloe demanded
I had no words.
I got up to put them in the washing machine, about 45 minutes later I put them in the dryer.

I come down the stairs face all red.
"How do you control it"
Chloe looks at me knowing I have it on after asking the question.
Chloe pulls her phone out and opened an app.
"Like this" she had a smirk on her face.
I yelped in shock. Small moans escaped as she increases the speed.
Chloe had the biggest smirk.
She watches me as I squirm and little moans can be heard. She turns it off. I breath normally heavy trying to catch my breath and now able to stand up straight.

We was in the middle of watching a movie and all of a sudden a loud moan came out of nowhere.
I covered my mouth shut. Forgetting I had the underwear one.
"Quiet down baby, I'm trying to watch a movie" Chloe smirks as she knows what she is doing.
"If you want me to be quiet then stop being a dick with that on your phone"
"Shh baby, it will be fine" Chloe says while putting her hand on my thigh rubbing her thumb to calm me down.

I came running out the bathroom to my lover.
"Babiiii, it's dinner time, what do u want I'll order ittt" I say with a happy smile.
"Hmm, surprise me baby" she says while she tucks my hair behind my ear, I blush at her action.

I get up to grab the phone and I started ordering food.
I said what I wanted and I started to say Chloe's food but nooo I get cut off.
I moan over the phone all embarrassed I look over to Chloe and I give her that stare but she increases it, I try my best to not moan, I hold my breath in. Chloe grabs the phone off me and started to order what she wanted with a smirk on her face look ing at me trying to control my moaning as she is increasing it more and more.
Chloe finished ordering and the phone call ended. She gets down to my level.
"Ooh my goodness, you moaned at someone over the phone" Chloe says grabbing my hand to make me stand, I frown at her,
"That's not my fault, it's yours and that stupid phone"
Chloe looks at me knowing what will happen next if I carry on with my attitude.

We was both sat on the sofa waiting for a knock on the door for our food.

I went to grab the food as the door had been knocked. As I grabbed the bags, I clench and I hold my breath trying to ignore the fact that Chloe has turned it up again.
As I closed the door with bags I went to the living room and placed them on the coffee table, I didn't give Chloe a glance or anything. I went up stairs to change the underwear.
I came back down not making it obvious I had changed until Chloe tried to change the level. She looked at me confused to why I haven't given a reaction yet.
"Have you taken them off?"
"Yes I have"
"But whyyy"
"Because, you keep embarrassing me"
Chloe just chuckled at me.
We had gotten the food out and ready, we switched a movie on. I haven't spoken to Chloe since.
"Oh come on Kim, why you can't be mad at all day"
I don't answer back I just stared at my food.
"Fuck this I'm not having dinner I want dessert" Chloe says staring my down.
"No! You eat that, I haven't paid for nothing" I respond.
Chloe just scoffs at me, eating her dinner as I eat mine.

Chloe gets up and throws me over her shoulder and makes her way to our bedroom.
"Is it time for dessert now" Chloe asks as she travels her finger up and down from my thigh. Me not knowing she meant dessert in that way. She slowly takes my shorts off following my underwear. As she takes them off, removing them from my ankles, she opens my legs widely so her head can fit. She started to give me kitten kisses, her tongue slowly comes out and starts to swirl around my clit. I heavily breath placing my hand on her head. She starts to suck my clit, I moan as I grip onto her hair. Her tongue goes near my entrance and starts to tease me with her tongue by going in and out. I slowly and softly moan.
"Baby, I-I'm about to-"
Chloe had cut me off by going faster, I was a moaning mess wanting more by pushing her head down.
I cum in her mouth. I looked down at her as she looks up at me. She swollows my load, I go pure red in the face as I watch take every bit of it, she goes back down to kiss around my inner thighs and to clean the rest up before she goes in but with her hard on she has got down there. A big problem. I smile at her as I look down on her. She realised what I was smiling at her so she started teasing me by taking her pants off slowly. she pins my hands above my head with her hand and her other hand tracing around my body. she lines up her penis to my hole to enter me. shed slowly goes inside me, my hands clench on her wrists as I shut my eyes tight as I feels her thick cock go in. I softly moan, Chloe kneels down to my face, how lips meet and we make out, I moan in her mouth as she goes inside and out of me. she lifts her head up to hear me moan in her ear as she increases her speed and thrusts in me, my moans became louder, she lets go of my hands and my arms went around her neck instantly and my hands got tangled in her hair. as she pounds into me sweat comes dripping from my head uncontrollably moaning and my finger nails digging drown from her back, she groans as she feels her dick get squished from me being tight, she goes faster making me melt in pleasure, I beg for more and more until she totally wrecks me. I warn her that I am about to release again, she goes faster and rougher. my mouth opens wide as moans escape, they become high pitch meaning im close,

"cum for me" chloe says as she goes deeper. as she does a few more thrusts in me I cum allover as she continues since she hasn't came in me yet. she does 5 more big thrusts as she starts to groan, she cums in me, I moan as I fel it all shoot up in me. I moan by the emptiness as she pulls out.

we both start to clean up the mess we created. we hopped in the shower together, chloe helps me get to places as I struggled to walk.

we was downstairs in the living room cuddled up watching a movie as we waited for food to be delivered to us.


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