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2 months later.

I was late for my period and ive had mad cramps, I was at in the living room playing with ell, we was playing with lego, I stop 30mins while playing, I hold my stomach with my face looking like I was in pain, Ell gets up and goes to tell her, I didn't want to say anything because I thought it was nothing, its being going on for a few weeks, Ell and Chloe come rushing in, seeing me in a ball wincing in pain, chloe comes and comforts me, she led me to the sofa and went to go and get a glass of water. she gets me a hot water bottle to see if it does much, it kind of helped. I told her it didn't do much so she made me a cup of tea and put a pregnancy test on the table for me, I looked at her shocked on that's maybe why I'm not on my monthly and getting cramps. once I finished my tea I went to the toilet to do the test, I waited 10 minutes so I could surprise myself and chloe at the same time, I let ell open it up the test, me, chloe and ell was sat in the living room, she opened it up and shouted "TWO LINES" me and chloe looked at each other nearly on the erge of tears, Chloe brings me in her arms and tells me how happy she is, is to have me in her life, I tell her the same thing hugging her tighter, ell comes and joins the hug with a big smile "me gon have a baby sibwing" me and chloe smile at her and group hugged.

6 months after, I looked massive I didn't like, all I did was stay in bed I was in soooo much pain, my waters broke, I called chloe downstairs she rushed up to check on me she looked at the wet bed "my waters just broke" I say, "oh shit" she helps me up and helps me go downstairs, she roings her mum to look after ell while she takes me to the hospital, she arrived like 5 mins after, me and chloe went to the car and drove off, as we arrived we got sent into a room, the doctors come in and check, somehow I was ready to give birth but 3 months early... I look at chloe worried, because some babies don't make it if they are premature, as it was time for me to give birth I wanted to hold chloes hand in the process, I squeeze her hand whilst I push and push, "I-I cant do it" I say heavy breathing, bringing chloe hand closer to me she comes closer to me saying I can and comforts me, I genually couldn't breath, as I kept pushing the babys head was out, which means and I don't to strain myself much, I push more with the help of the doctors getting him out of me, as he came the doctors put him on my chest, he was so tiny he was nearly bigger thand my arm, he wasn't crying at all, he was quiet, chloe came closer "hi, Freddy" she says while gently stroking his head, after a while the doctors took him away to clean him and put him in his clothes, as they put him down after a couple of minutes something happened... a doctor came in with a sad face, chloe looks at her confused so did I, she came upto us and told us the bad news, I was layed technically balling my eyes out, chloe sat on the chair crying her eyes out as well, the babys heart stopped beating and wouldn't wake up, but im so glad chloe had taken a photo of us but Ell was excited to have a baby brother, it hurt me, and am sure it hurt chloe too, I cant imagine what Ells reaction is going to be, im not excited at all, the doctors asked if I wanted to take the baby before his funeral, I didn't want to face my babys dead body in my house, it would hurt me more so I said no, my midwife came and helped with everything else, me and chloe got ready to head back home but I asked if Ell could stay at chloes house for the day and chloe said shell ask her and obvs to the bad news she was allowed.

me and chloe was sat in the living hugging each other I was still crying, it worst day of my life, my midwife said the funeral is next week, totally cant wait.


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