glass house: _dark_romantic

52 0 0

finished: november 18, 2023
random number: 120

*knock knock* hello? hi. it's been awhile since i've written a review here, so much that it feels so weird and i don't know how to start, as you can probably tell. but before i get into the actual review, i'd like to explain a little bit as to why it took me over three weeks to get this up.

so, as some of you know, i took my ielts at the end of october, and i know for sure that this exam would mean so much to me and i really wanted to get a good score to not feel like all my parents' money goes to waste. so i had to prioritise that and by doing so, i had to push wattpad to the back seat.

but now that that's over, thankfully, and i'm very pleased with my score, let's get back into these rituals, yeah?

anyway, this isn't the first book that i've read from this author, i read psychotic obsession which that was one of my favourite book here. so i was very happy when i landed on this book. but i knew that this is going to take me forever to get through from the beginning as it's not short, and it's dystopian which i'm not used to. the chapters weren't short either, which was one thing that could've motivate me to get through it.

one thing that this book surely offered was the originality, at least for me anyway. i have been reading wattpad for a while now and all i read is romance. while this one is still a romance, it offered more than just that. the world, the conflict, and how the characters think are things i haven't found in other books, which i really appreciate.

however, that also comes with its own issues. as i'm thrown into this world and things are so different than what we are having in real life, it requires more brain power to really comprehend the words. although technically i could just power through and not think too much about it, i would really like to experience the full potential that this book could give. and by that i mean i couldn't just read this book in between study breaks as it requires too much energy.

have you ever heard of the phrase right book, wrong time? that's what i felt. i wished i could've picked this in the holiday season, and i can for sure guarantee that it'll be a 5 star for me.

let's talk about the characters. i kid you not when i say i can never describe how bad i want someone like eric. how he treats danielle in his own sick way, how jealous he could get when clearly she's not hers to begin with, and just how he talks to her in the first place.

and that's what scared me the most. i was so scared (and excited) on how this book will end, whether they'd be together or not, considering the first book that i've read really gave an unexpected one. but i couldn't be more happy by how it ended.

the author's writing though, it really is something else. the way it can easily encapture not only my attention, but also my heart. i cried, laughed, got annoyed, i can go on and on, but the point is i had so much fun reading this, but i'm also so excited for my next read!!

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