daisy's daddies book 2: babygurl5119

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finished: september 16, 2022

although this book is a lot shorter than the first one, it took me a few more days to finish, because it's my exam week! i still have another week of exams (and three extra days if by any chance, which i hope not, i don't pass any of the subjects).

i feel like for most sequels, i don't feel the need to write an extra book, with absolutely no direction and point. while, with this one, i do actually see the point that i can personally tolerate.

the way that it is written, it really brings hard and maybe even for some, triggering topics easier and somehow more fun! definitely very easy to read and for those who are looking for a book to get out of a reading slump, maybe read this? the writing does not change much from the first book, which makes it feels like i was still reading the first book haha.

the thing that annoys me the most is definitely daisy. okay, to be fair, i did find her cute and funny at times, but for the other times, no. i just don't understand how daisy thinks, she heard, saw things that these guys are planning, and she did absolutely nothing to dig in more, knowing it's about her? okay, she did ask, but that's it, she did not even push them to tell her, to ask further.

and i also feel like the way things were being resolved were super cliche, and it feels like it's just the easiest way to get it done. she did actually add a reasoning behind it, which added a lot to it, but still, it had one of my least favorite tropes.

and lastly, may i just complain about how little the smut of this book is? DUDE, SERIOUSLY? i expected this book to contain AT LEAST 5 smuts considering it a polyamory story, and yeah, no, none of that happened. i understand how the author does not feel comfortable in writing them, but please at least tell us beforehand?

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