the father: pinkfloydhoe

148 0 0

finished: november 29, 2022

*sigh* lately, i've barely had the time to just relax, chill, and basically enjoy my time, let alone read. most of those times, i'd just go through instagram, watch some booktubes, and even just spend half an hour doing that makes me feel so guilty.

currently, i'm on my exam week and i probably shouldn't be reading, but i'm really in the mood to. just a couple more weeks before i'll get a three-week long off from school!! i can't wait to read more and be more active here on wattpad!!

besides all of that, this book isn't the shortest book either. it is a very interesting one to me, because it's an age gap and an affair romance. what makes this book even more different and should keep me going was the fact that the author added this somewhat mysterious aspect.

and let me tell you something, i never once guessed the supposed plot twist of the book, even when most people do. and with the long amount of time it took for me to read this book, i was expecting the same. i don't know if i'm just picking up on every single hint that the author put, or what, but i ended up guessing every single one of them, which is not a good thing. i would never want to guessed who did it, and when i start to connect the dots together, i just lose all the motivation i got, knowing that i'll guess it right.

other than that, the first three-quarter of this book was pretty repetitive for me. the only thing they do just seem to be having sex with each other and trying to not get caught. that was where i spent most of my time reading this book.

don't get me wrong, the sex was fantastic! it's not the best, but it's not bad at all! but you know it's getting too much when you would just skim read these scenes which i rarely do as i love those scenes *smirk.

but the last quarter, that was when it got good. we found out who the rapist and murderer was (which i already know) but still there's at least some action going on. there's also this plot that i was not expecting which was alright i guess.

honestly i don't have much to say about these two. i started this book, no i added this book to my tbr knowing it's an affair relationship which i'm always open to (just in books).

i love how loving they are towards each other and since this book is written by an adult, i very much appreciate the maturity that these two main characters have. katherine wasn't said to be an adult and acts like a 17 year old, but she really is a mature main character that i came to love!

i just kind of wished that i have had more time to thoroughly enjoy and appreciate this book, i do genuinely believe that i can like this book even more if it weren't for the circumstances that i am in now. i'm sure that there will be a lot of people loving this book, and i really do hope that at least one of you would give this book a chance despite the rating that i gave.

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