black lace: bobrossofwriting

45 0 0

finished: june 20th, 2023
random number: 113

if you're a true simper, then you know that fantasies are not my thing. i NEVER would willingly put it on my tbr, let alone read it, intentionally. but coming into this book, i didn't know that when the author had demons as a tag, it means real demons and not just as a form of adjective to describe his personality.

so when we got the first point of view of azriel, i was like, hold up, what's a void? and why is absolutely no one questioning about it? i know nothing about demons and i just thought that the author was just making everything up, like its own world. but in the end, the qna section, i was even more shocked when i found out that there was information about these topics on the internet!

but, if i had known that beforehand, i don't think this book is that bad, hence the three star, or else i even thought of giving it a two star. but anyway, after sitting with it for awhile, i guess i kind of understand the author's intention, and really appriciate that.

but still, although i understand why they chose to have romina as a main character, me as the reader, there were still times where i was on the edge of my seat, hoping that she would stand up against him, but oh well.

i'm not even going to lie and say that i was not hoping azriel would end up with her, because i did, and though i know that would never happen from the beginning, i was still a tad bit sad for her.

also, what's with the parents? especially her dad, he was protecting her, not even allowing her to go outside the mansion, and yet would allow a work partner that mind you is a guy, who is said to be the worst thing to ever exist to come close to his daughter to sleep next door to his daughter without them supervising? yeah, made zero sense!

as for the mom, i remember there was a part where she was looking at azriel which gave us the reader a hint that she would want to be with him instead and doesn't really love her husband, but that didn't even get its own resolution!

when she ends up escaping with azriel, it's not supposed to be that easy, right? no guards, no alarms, no nothing? and for what exactly did they keep her that long if she'll only end up doing it that easily?

anyway, this book isn't amazing to me, but i can see how it can help other people (especially the ones that have or are still dealing with grooming) feel like they're not alone. but i would still prefer my fiction that has no magical elements, no voids, no demons, as i can see how it can still be done, since it happens that way, right?

i'd say give it a shot if you're into demons and please do check trigger warnings beforehand as it may be very difficult to read at times, it's not your typical easy to read wattpad book.

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