my affair: efoiroii

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finished: july 5th, 2023
random number: 188

guys, don't hate me, but i might be into affair romances now (i even went as far as creating a dedicated reading list). when i started reading, i remember saying something like, cheating is still cheating and i don't tolerate that. yeah, i still don't, but in fiction? it's kind of hot y'all, ngl.

and when the husband is like that? that doesn't help in the slightest either. but honestly, there were parts where i was getting a teeny tiny bit annoyed at how long it takes them to just call it off. and for what? when they clearly fell out of love with each other?

one thing that i also loved about this book is the fact that she's an independent queen. yes, i love to see that. she being a lawyer is very interesting to me since i've not read many about a lawyer being the main character.

but, unfortunately, that's also what really dropped my rating. i wished that this book doesn't only focus on the romance. sure, it's a romance book. but if you're going to make it solely focus on them, then at least don't just make them di sex 24/7.

if you know me, then you know i'm into smut scenes. and you'll also know it has overpowered the whole book when i start complaining about it. yeah, it is very hot and all, but when i was about half way through, that was when it got super repetitive in my opinion.

i even thought of giving this book a 4.5 when i was one-fourth of the way in. that was when it has a very good balance on the romance, and the court case she was dealing with. and the author could have done so much with that instead of just ending the case like it meant nothing. it didn't even give me that satisfaction when the case was over.

also, the sexual tension in that part was so thick. when i'm reading an affair book, i'm expecting at least half of the book for them to try to hide that relationship. but this? yeah, no.

even generally, in a romance book, i came to realize that i love seeing the process of them falling in love, not when they're already in love. you can keep that to the last quarter of the book instead.

which also brings me to my next point being half of this book felt like bonus chapters being compiled together since you know, the typical, writers couldn't end the book just like that because they got attached to the book itself.

babe, with your writing being that fucking amazing, you could simply write another book and i would happily read it without any complain if you could just cut it short.

the two characters were indeed very hot and although i love seeing them having the best time of their lives, i would rather see the realistic aspect as well. they rarely fight, which even as someone that doesn't have a lot of experience in relationships, i know it's not possible.

the side characters were also very fun to follow, but me being me, i'm just not good in memorising people's names and who's who. so when the author was talking about a specific character, i was like who's that again?

throughout the book, my excitement just gradually decreases which you could probably tell by my final rating which is a huge bummer for me. there were even points where i just wanted this book to end already by how much it's dragging.

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