the dynasty we built: __rosiiee

26 0 0

finished: june 2nd 2023
random number: 88

out of all 400 books on my tbr, what are the chances of me getting a sequel? and yet here i am. but, on the bright side, as i'm writing this review, i can't freaking wait to continue reading.

although, this book isn't the most amazing book out there, i'm very entertained throughout the book. yeah, sure, i didn't quite like the beginning, but i don't hate it.

this book is more on the mid ones, i'd say? ehh, maybe a little bit over the mid? because a mid would be a 2.5 right? but you get what i'm trying to say? it's nothing special, but it'll do for the short term entertainment.

i can still tolerate these two, but they're nothing near my favorite character. i can see why people would love them, with him being so hot and caring, her being a badass maybe some might say? but i would rather say that she's an annoying one to be fair.

as for noah, this man has gone soft, yeah? but i love it!! as i mentioned in my last review (which i didn't end up publishing) was that i hate when mafia guys would be like, i'm too scared to start one because it makes me look like i've lost power and some shit. but thankfully this king didn't.

it is stated to be a brother's best friend and mafia book. but unfortunately, i barely see those tropes. yeah, sure, santiago wasn't very happy knowing that they're together, but that's only because of a reason i couldn't say due to spoiler issues.

and as for the mafia. i don't know, i wouldn't say it's a mafia book, honestly. it's more of an action type, but not really as well. because nothing really happened until three-fourth of the way in.

if you know me, you know i love smut. i live for it. but, with this one, although they are very good, i just think that they're a little bit too much, yeah? and it kind of overpowered the plot a little bit.

so i'm hoping, the sequel would be better than this one, but just be as entertaining, if not more. even though they are technically not my favorite couple, but they are still very cute together, with him being soft and all, hence i'm very excited to see how they'll reunite in the sequel!

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