white satin: little_peanut_

77 0 0

finished: april 29, 2022

i feel like i'm just in such a good mood to read and i love it! to be completely honest, this book is very mediocre. i feel like the reason as to why sage left violet was pretty unacceptable? i mean if you truly love someone, that simple reason won't be the case? i don't know though i haven't been in one. yeah, anyway, i thought when i reached the first quarter that it will have more of their time together and mostly the raw bdsm scenes. i can't lie when i say that the smut isn't as good as the first book. now at least i know why i don't reas either sequels or series a lot. i feel like the book after the first won't meet my expectation. i also didn't find any of the switzerland atmosphere, but all in all i enjoyed every single one and to spice things up even more, it is very easy to read!

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