take care: chubblebunny

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finished: july 19, 2022

there's honestly not much to say about this book. it was very enjoyable in some parts, i love the tension in the beginning of the book, and the drama at the end of the book.

the characters were not bad honestly, i mean i didn't hate them but it just didn't leave any long lasting impressions on me, you know the characters that you'll not remember anything about including their names in a week or so. i adored how hard working samai was, but when she didn't have any debt left and been with lorenzo, she did nothing, at all! i mean i do get her reason as to why she decided on her decision, it's just that, it felt like she was just used to not doing anything and chose that rather than to work.

the plot was very interesting, but again, it's nothing special to me. it's not bad, at all! i feel like some of you would probably enjoy it more than i did if you're okay with kind of a slow burn, not really though, it's more of a nothing-going on type thing, vibes only. i do really need something to be going on at all times or else i'd be bored which i found in some parts.

what else do i want to say? i did not even prepare any notes like i usually do. oh, i missed lorenzo, didn't i? he's definitely not my favorite, but also not my least favorite. everything about this book just feels so mediocre haha. i didn't appreciate his decision on a part of the book at all, but, i guess the author just needs to put even more drama after one ends immediately, but it's just so dumb.

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