THANK YOU 2022 <3

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i don't even know how to start this. i started this review book with the main aim for me to just have at least a tiny bit of memory on what the books i've read are about. and i thought it would be a good idea for me to publish it for people to get recommendations on books i think people might have loved.

2022 has been a very... interesting year, i'd say. it's the year i was back from my a year long hiatus, thinking it would be a good activity for me to do in my free time. never once did i expect i would publish a book and has a thousand people reading this book, and forty amazing friends!!

wattpad has been my escape system for me to just come back to spend a couple minutes to hours a day (depending on how busy my day is) as a productive and cheap way to have small breaks in between my study sessions.

i'm honestly at a loss of words. i'm so happy whenever i open wattpad, or just wake up to a notification on my private message, people messaging me how happy they are for me to publish this book and they wouldn't have to spend time searching for books that they might not like, since we have the same reading taste.

however, as we all know, hate comes hand in hand with love. and i've received some people messaging me on how they think it's so dumb of me to just write these reviews and having no reads at all.

the thing is, i'm one to always love reviews that are so honest, which include the pros and cons of the book itself. i've watched so many booktubers, and even famous ones like a clockwork reader, that also received hate comments but she still kept on going for the people that love her contents. and i'm here to do just that.

but yet again, wattpad is my hobby, meaning it's never been my priority. school will have to come first. this year, i took my igcse and now that that's out of the plate, i think, and hopefully, i can read more next year!! but the fact that i've reached my reading goal to read 75 books is beyond me!! i'm so proud of that!!

but, uni has been in my mind for quite some time now, with families and friends keep on asking what am i going to take, where am i planning to go and all of that. so lately, i've been so stressed out asking myself those questions over and over again and keeps on feeling guilty even for me taking just a moment to read, although i know i deserve it after a long day.

but anywhooo, i'm just super excited to see what the future holds for me, and for me to grow to an even bigger person, to trust myself more, believe in God, let loose a little, be more confident, and all of that!! may every single one of you have the best year ahead and good luck everyone!!

p.s. in case no one has told you this today, i am so so proud of you, even the fact that you're still trying, you are enough, you do not need to be anyone that you desire to be, and just be the best version of yourself!!

my private messages are always open for people that just need someone to listen to their story, or for those of you who need someone to talk to, it's a safe place for everyone, my lovely friends <3

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