ch51= toture

352 20 3

Everyone is crying, from a four year girls to a rani sahiba all are crying. Nobody have expected meera Death all are praying for her recovery.

Everyone was not able to believe all are thinking that once meera will get up and said its a prank....

All were hoping for some miracle so there light of their eye come back...

But the fate have some other plan. Everyone in nivaan family is preparing themselves for the storm. Named as nivaan...

All was gathered in the hall,
Suddenly ashi felt that something on her hand when she looked up its blood flowing from her meera grandfather hand and he had fainted.....

"Baba khoon khoon " ashi shouted

( grandpa blood blood)

"Baba kya hua aapko ,baba pls don't leave us alone " summer said ..

Yash carried grandpa in bridal style and run for the car .

Meera whole family went as her mother is in verge of fainted due to continuously crying , she was not able to breathe even .

Her father was on stage of shock...

Here nivaan family got a wind of nivaan arrivals..

Everyone was tensed and someone even shaking. Is the silence before storm.

And this storm is not normal its a n thunderstorms which will create such a destruction that even ages will be not able to fulfill such loss....

The preparation for the last rituals of meera has begain.

Beautiful aunty who has purchased the expensive lehenga for meera first rasoi is now going to be meera last clothing.

Summer who was Yet to prepare meera for her first weeding night is preparing meera for her funneral...

Mismatched eyes uncle who was yet to form a team against nivaan with meera and book their honeymoon suite is now booking for the funnel ceremonies...

Everyone is blaming themselves for this.

Nobody is happy even raasika is crying and saying that once again i loose my mother ,am i so bad that god always punished me... And take my team members from me..

Nobody have a single clue how this happened suddenly and now what going to happen next...

In rajasthan the atmosphere is tensed and shakeup.

All are mourning for their newly weds queen who won the heart of everyone in single meeting..

Meera was getting prepared for her final rituals everyone has decided that this that meera last rituals will be done by nivaan as yash and meera father are not in a state to register something and grandpa health is important and last rituals should be perform with full dedicated and purity so the soul can get peace.....

But what they don't know is that giving meera body a fire will work as a petrol in nivaan anger , meera was not only nivaan wife but his obsession his possessiveness, he is literally mad about her....

Now meera dead body is laying in the hall and everyone including rassika and her mother father all are gathered to give her the final goodbye and all are waiting for nivaan arrivals which can arrive any minute from now...

Ashi has lost her senses she has cried like anything as a result of which her eyes are become red and has swollen and on a verge of getting infected .but her tears are flowing doesn't take a name of stopping .

Summer is crying but trying to be brave at front and providing support to everyone....

Yash is blaming him only and now he is just searching for the culprit like a crazy he himself has taken all the law and oder in his hand and pulling all the string so that he could punished the person who is behind such activies.

Ni--vv-aan beautiful aunty said.

Nivaan was just standing at gate from past hour without a single sound observing everything like a statue ....

He just nodded his head and then when beautiful aunty come to hug him he created 10hand distance from her and shook his head....

Yash was on a verge to punch nivaan but vivaan somehow control him...

The priest said "beta now its a time carry her on 4 shoulder "

While listening to this nivaan move towards meera in wind speed and hugged her like his life depends on it ....

But none of tears come out of his eyes like he has become a statue but his grip was so tight that his knuckles has become white and soon turning to blue due to blood clotting.....

Yash nivaan and vivaan and angel devil give meera the shoulder...

While channting ram naam sath

(only lord name is true ie that remains in the society everything else is a myth)

Nivaan now has become Like monk and Perform all the ritual with full dedicated and purity...

Now everyone started leaving the palace but raj mata was going somewhere in the dark...

Ashi who just stepped out palace and were leaving for the airport saw someone which were tied in a cloth was carryed in a cart and its look like a human being which is alive ..

Ashi hide in the bushes...
raj mata sit in the cart and then ordered driver to leave the cart and she herself statted ridding the cart But that the suspicious thing ...

But when she was ridding her the some of the thing was flowing from the cart...
Since ashi was near it so she was able to see

But to her bad luck her phone ring and alerted raj mata....

Ashi shut her mobile but raj mata has vanished into thin air....

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