ch 6 Nivaan Glory

973 49 3

After discharge we come back . Then me ashi stared telling summer goodbye. And we three and aunty was only sitting in the hall. i was checking the uber and flight tickets.  

What are you doing meera.  Aunty asked 

Nothing aunty just checking the flight tickets. I replied 

And did you find any.  Said aunty 

No as per now no direct flight available . I think we have to change a flight. I replied 

Good because young lady you are not going today or tomorrow we all will be leaving 3 day from today said aunty.

Why is that aunty i asked 

Because today we have shivraati pooja and we have  a weeding and young lady you are from bride side. Aunty replied 

Aunty could you please explain  clearly.said ash

Ok so every year we have this pooja which nivaan bhai perform and for that he fast for 1 week prior then he  do all the avishake( giving bath to lord shiva with milk, ghee, honey, curd and water) then he preapare  the parsad and then feed them to the people who come for pooja.  then we arrange a weeding  to those who lack in finance so there are more than 90 weeding take place at same time and place which is financed by nivaan bhai.  Said summer with proud grin. 

Ok great but aunty how can we related to bride. I asked 

Ok meera since your grandpa get well so your father has taken the responsibility form bride side. Replied aunty 

Ok aunty get it said me.  

But where are they asked ashi

They have gone to wedding hall for the arrangements and all replied  aunty 

So young lady go get ready. Said aunty 

Me and ashi looked each other . Summer lets go to shopping . I said 

Noo need your dress are  here only.  Tara could you please come with the dress which i have give you priorly.  Said aunty .

Tara come with 2 salwar suit which looks very beautiful and design was amazing and i bet they cost fortune. 

Aunty forwarded me the white one and ashi the yellow one.

Wow aunty they are amazing . But may i please know the designers  .is this by any chance  design by singhkushwa the famous  . Said ashi

Yes she is infront of you . Said summer 

You mean aunty is ms singhkushwa the famous wow this is amazing  . Can we please get  a selfie and a autograph  pls. Said ashi. 

Yes then we took more than 100 selfie. 

We come out  wearning our dress and its fitting is perfect.   Aunty come out wearing pink silk saree. In which her eyes are shining and she is looking  fashion divya.  We all just complimented her. 

Ma its looking like these dress are made up for them only.  Said summer by looking at us. 

Yes beta . aunty then put the khol befind our ears then we walked towards the car and went to venue. 

We reached a hill where the area was open and only a temple was situated.  When we reach the temple we saw nivaan only wearing white dhoti and he was shirtless.  Coming with water container in his hand.  His muscular back was looking like salman khan (ash word). Since he kept the container  he spotted aunty before he could reach i just want away at the fear that i shouldn't have caught. 

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