5- Attack of the Crazy Manager Chick

Start from the beginning

"Oh how I've longed to meet you. My one and only prince charming." She jumped into his arms and hugged him. 

"Your fiance?"Hikaru asked.

"Kyoya-senpai?" Kaoru followed up.

"Of course. My name in Renge Houshakuji and I'm transferring into Ouran Academy's first year class A tomorrow." Tamaki sulked by the wall. We all watched him.

"Why is he sulking?" Hikaru asked.

"Cause Mommy was keeping a secret from Daddy." Kaoru answered.

"Whatever. Why does everyone insist on referring to us like we're husband and wife?" Kyoya complained.

"Ours is a story of love at first sight. I couldn't resist the way you were adoring those flowers in the backyard when you thought no one else was looking. And how sweet it was when you reached out to that poor little injured kitten." Renge day dreamed.

"I think she has the wrong guy." I whispered to myself.

"No way I could recognize my love from anywhere! He's a gentleman whose kind to everyone and doesn't ask for anything in return. He like solitude but in fact he sometimes gets lonely. He looks like the star of the popular dating sim Uki-doki Memorial. You're my real life Ichijo Miyabi." We all deadpan and stare at her.

"Uki-doki?" Mitsukuni muttered.

"OTAKU!" Tamaki screams.

"OTAKU?" Hikaru screams back to him.

"Hmmn?" Takashi grunted quietly. Has he never heard that before? 

"I've never seen one." Kaoru says. I turn my attention to Kyoya who is sitting on the couch, thinking. We all sort of quiet down and go to him.

"Oh I get it now. You're in love with that character. You're projecting your love onto me and somehow deluded yourself into thinking that we're engaged. I assume this Miyabi character probably wears glasses as well." Kyoya rationed out. 

"So she made it up. She's not really your fiance right?" Tamaki asked.

"Well no I don't ever remember asking for her hand in marriage. Besides this is the first time I've ever met the woman." Kyoya stated pushing his glasses up. We all let out a sigh of relief. He could have mentioned that a bit sooner. She calmed down and sat abnormally close to Kyoya. Her hands were clasped together.

"According to my research I understand that you're in charge of managing the club, is that true Kyoya?" Renge looked like she had stars in her eyes.

"Yeah that's right Kyo-chan is our director." Mitsukuni intruded in the one sided conversation.

"You're the club's director, oh that's perfect! I've made up my mind from now on I'm going to be the manager of this host club." She declared. The twins let out an irritated sigh. I massaged my temples and walked in circles.

"Aya-chan are you okay?" Mitsukuni whispered from Takashi's shoulders. Tamaki went to Kyoya with the matter.

"Um listen Kyoya-" Tamaki stuttered.

"Ms. Houshakuji is the only daughter of a very important Ootori family client. So please be polite and try not to offend her, alright." He said writing in his book.

"Well boys I can't wait to work with you." The 'manager' said excitedly. 

"Hey I'm a girl." I almost screamed at her. The next day we had a club meeting about Renge.


"I thought about it a lot last night, maybe having a lady manager isn't such a bad idea." Tamaki shared his idea.

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