search has begun

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Today I was going shopping with my mother and my sister and of course my baby we decided to name her Brooklyn Anne after my mother which who I thought was dead and gone but somehow she's standing right next to me .....

When I was a kid all I wanted to be was just like her .....she was the best mom ever ....
Having her back is like shock on top of shock but also I'm happy .....I'm truly happy for the first time since she died well I was happy when I met Gabe and I still am and I'm happy that I have my baby safe .......

I missed her so much father never talked about her much after she died he always used to say to stop talking about her that she's gone ........but apparently not ......

I missed my mom so much and now that she's back I can spend so much time with her ...... Brooklyn started to cry in her car seat it's time for a diaper change .....Laura got up from the table and grabbed Brooklyn....." I'll go change her " I was about to say you don't have to do that but she had already walked off ....

Tomorrow I'm supposed to go hang out with Gabe's sister which I love dearly she's so bubbly......Laura comes back with Brooklyn and she hands her to me ....."there ya go all cleaned up and fresh " she looks at me happily and says " you know she looks just like you " I look at Brooklyn " she looks like Gabe too " .....

We have a very lengthy conversation about what happened to my mother and she told us everything about how she wasnt dead she was held captive by my "father" well does that surprise you no wonder why he never wanted to talk about her when she " died " ..

We head home we make it to the driveway and I see that the door is standing wide open I leave Brooklyn in the car with my mother while me and laura go check it out ......we walk through the door and no one is there we call out for people and nobody answers i call for gabe and nobody answers we look around the whole pack house and its like everyone disappeared........

What the hell is going on ......Laura meets me back in the living room with a note ......I unfold it and read what it said Laura looks at my horrified expression and wanted me to read it out loud......" read it out loud is it something bad what happened" she said getting worried herself ....

" it says , funny what knock out gas can do ......and it says nothing after that not a name not any clue Laura what are we supposed to do .....where are they" I almost scream I am having a full blown panic attack right now Gabe and all the other pack members have been kidnapped but by who.....and what do they want from us ....

Then a thought comes into my mind this what moon was talking about a couple of days if she heard me she spoke up

* now you believe me don't you *

* moon who did this who took all of the pack members including Gabe *

* I don't know but we are going to fulfill our Luna title and get them back *

* moon how are we gonna do that when we don't know who took them or why or even where they are at .....we don't know anything *

* I know we don't but we are gonna find out and go and rescue them ..all of them *

* this can't be happening right now I mean a few days ago I gave birth and mom showed up ....the next day i accepted gabes proposal and tge next day i had tge luna ceremony and then today this happens when can i get a normal day *

*Being Luna means you don't get a normal day ever but aren't you used to that by now I mean your father and brother you never got a normal day and here you never got a normal day but this time it's in a good way...... mostly*

* okay I see what you mean I'm going to go find them and I will rescue them with all my power that I have I will rescue all of them *

And with that I walk out the door Laura following close behind I walk to my mother and Brooklyn and I tell her everything thats going on I told her to also take the baby to the old cabin in the woods that me and her used to visit often ......

I look at Laura " and as for you can you help me find them " .....I asked in a plea almost begging she nodded so the search has begun ...

* hey guys it's me Gracie and I just wanted to say sorry for not updating sooner there is only gonna be maybe 2 more chapters and I'm so sad to say goodbye to this book and complete it because I've been working on it for so long but I can say my next book after I finish this one is gonna come out maybe the next couple of days after I finish this one just stay tuned for that I love you guys stay safe I'll see u in a couple of days *

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