me vs brother

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He lunges for my neck but I quickly dodge him with the training that I have been doing the I go for a punch in his stomach and u make contact....he falls down to the ground and he looks up at me and i have a little smirk which apparently makes him angry.....

And apparently you can't freaking change into your wolf when your pregnant or anything so it's me vs. Him and his total of 5 warriors.....

So yeah to say the least with Gabe tied up and it's only me against 6 wolves and I can't transform and they can I can pretty much say.... I'm fucked .....

Then I feel my powers come up and I see my brother running towards me and I shoot ice from my palms making him slip and fall , all of the other really huge men start to growl at me .......I take a deep breath and let it out ....

As soon as they start surrounding me I hear a rustle in the bushes we all look over towards the bushes with a confused look ......and then it hits me what Nicole said earlier gifted werewolf sisters can feel each other anxiety, pain, when someone's in trouble ......etc. so I knew exactly who it was and about that time Laura stepped out of the bushes ....

As soon as she does three of the six men surround her and three surround me I look over at her and give her a little nod to do this ........ she raises her hands and her eyes begin to glow .....and one of the three men start to punch me but I grab his hand and twist it behind his back ....... and another man comes up behind me and throws me to the ground hard.....

I hear Gabe growl at the scene ...... I look back up and they are all standing over me I look over at Laura and she's fighting off the three men that surrounded her I jump up ...... and my eyes start to glow when im lifted up into the air and slammed back down again it knocks the breath out of me ......

I lay there not moving with my eyes shut trying to get enough breath to do this as I'm laying there and everybody thinking I'm knocked out .......I hear Gabe yelling my name .......I hear the men start to walk away with there back turned towards me I jump up and stick and silver coated knife into one of there backs ......

Well ones down for the count only two to go punches me in the face and I punch him in the stomach my eyes start to glow and I quickly use my telaknetic power to lift them both up as high as the tree ......and I slam them back down hard one gets up but the other looks as to be knocked out.....

Me and the one man meaning to be the biggest one to .....fight and we fight until someone slams me on the ground brother ....oh great just what I need a seventh man ...... shit.....

And something gets me he turns around and he snaps the man's neck ......okay that was the end of this Laura has already killed the three guys she was fighting and she's by my side in a flash ......

My brother looks up at me "now it's time for the real fight to begin one on one right here right now "

And so we start circling each other he lunges first and he makes contact with my stomach.......big mistake bitch......we circle eachother again and I lunch and I make contact with his face knocking him down and I get on top of him and start punching him and kicking him over and over and over again .....

"YOU AND FATHER MADE MY LIFE A LIVING HELL.....AND U NEVER EVEN SAID SORRY ....WELL NOW U ARE GONNA BE SORRY THAT U EVER MET ME BITCH" I yelled as I kept punching and kicking him and I finally got off of him when he knocked me off with a punch to my face I stumble back Laura catching me ......

He gets up bloody and bruised and staggering he starts laughing..." is that tge best you can do little Abby " I use my powers to lift him up six feet in the air ...... and slam him down to the ground ....he gets back up and starts walking towards me and I turn the ground under him into ice and he slips and falls again ......

He gets back up and me and Laura's hand starts to glow ..... we grab eachothers hand and a flash of light comes from us and Steven drops down to the ground knocked out I'm totally out of breath I run over to gave and untie him from the tree that they tied him up to ......

He grabs me and pulls me into a tight hug
" I thought I had lost you , what were u thinking your pregnant and u can't be putting your lives into danger like that " he's still hugging me though hahaha .

"I was thinking that I came and saved .y mate just like you did me " I said as matter of factly as I could ....but deep down inside I was scared for his and my child's life ......

Me laura and gabe head home after stopping by the clinic to make sure everyone including mine and Gabe's little girl was okay and everything was fine the doctor just recommended to get some rest and we were fine we had warriors go and pick up Steven that we tied to a tree so he couldn't get away .,....

Now Steven is in the dungeons at our pack and everyone is safe ......for now .

* hey guys I know it's been a long time since my last update but here you go this book will probably only have 2 or 3 more chapters and then I'm going to get started on the next one lol so I love u guys and p.s I have 4 songs out now if u wanna go check it out it's on my SoundCloud and here's my insta if u wanna check it out yeah and it has links to my SoundCloud and everything and it also has videos with links to my TikTok and SoundCloud and everything ill probably write and publish again tomorrow or Saturday.....I love u guys .*

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