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As I sat across from Gabriel dreading to start this "So where do I start" I took a deep breath" It all started before my mom got killed. 

* flashback *

"Mama look what I caught, " I said smiling and holding a fairy in my hand she looked down at me smiling I looked just like her she was absolutely beautiful she had dark hair smooth skin a toothy smile, and was wearing a summer dress with flowers on it and sandles . "U like it," i asked her smiling up at her . " I think its beautiful honey," she said smiling down at me the way she always did me and my mom always had a special connection dad and brother were always doing pack business so it was just me and her in the world. 

" what are you planning on doing today mama" she smiled down at "I'm gonna spend time with my beautiful little girl " She gave me the biggest hug I had ever gotten " she smile my mother was a very happy person infact I barely see her sad and when i do its usually because her and my dad are arguing. 

we have such a great life although I do wish I could get my mother away from my father and brother more because i dont think they like me that much because I'm a girl . 

my mom and I hang out at the lake in the middle of the woods until dark just talking laughing having a picnic. it was the perfect day ....... or so I thought.

we started heading back to the house when we heard rustling in the trees and in the bushes my mother stood protectivly in front of me and out stepped a rogue wolf my mother instantly shifted into her wolf and so did he i knew this was not going to end well for me or her 

he lunged for m mother and slammed her on the ground in my mindlink i heard "RUN GET HELP " so thats what i did i ran i ran fast and far all the way to the pack house i told my dad what had happened and told him that she was still out there he ran and shifted and ran i ran after him only to find that my mother wasnt there anymore she was gone .... the only thing that had a clue where she could have gone was a trail of blood ..... we knew that he took her and all this time i hoped and hoped she was alive but eventually i gave up hope .......

 the next day 

i woke up in my bedroom like normal nobody wanted to look for her or anything it was like she never existed i walked down stairs and i went to my dads office and looked at him " why is no one looking for mom why is everyoone just standing around like nothing happened " he looked at me with hatred and rage in his eyes for the first time . " YOUR MOTHER IS DEAD AND YOUR THE ONE THAT KILLED HER " i just looked at him in disbelief for a second "YOU ARE THE ONE THAT KILLED YOUR OWN MOTHER AND YOU ARE GOING TO BE PUNISHED "that scared me because i didnt know what kind of punishment he was talking about . 

i was shackled in the basement and a man came in and he had a whip he told me to turn around and dont scream or he would make it ten times worse ...... so i turned around and got prepared  little did i know that it had wolfsbane on it ........ he pulled the whip bach and brung it forwards 

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH" i screamed as loud as my lungs would make it " i told you not to scream bitch . he brung it forwards again 

"AAAAAAAHHHHHHHH" i screamed ..... that must have went on for five more times and it finally stopped so i laid there in filth and dirt and blood and screamed and cried. 

and through the two more year pack members including my dad and brother would constantly beat me torture me with whips call me slut whore and more names . and i just took it and they would also sell me to men to get there sexual pleasure i ended up pregnant once but i lost it because i was beaten so badly . 

* end of flashback * 

little did i know i had been crying that whole time i decided to show gabriel the whip marks so i turned around and showed him . i lifted my shirt to show him and then i heard a growl " THAT STUPID SOB ILL KILL HIM " i grabbed him and pulled him into me " no please i need you here with me please gabriel " i sobbed into his chest he took his head laid into my neck and inhaled my sleep i looked up at him " lets go to bed " he nodded ok i went and jumped into the shower i came out of the bathroom 10mins later and the hostpital bed was very big so we both could lay down he put his arm accross me " goodnight moonlight " he whisperd in my ear " goodnight love " and with that i let darkness take me over . 

2 chapters in one day heck yeah be more coming to u by the end of this week hopefully . love you guys see ya later lovlies . 

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