hoping 🤞

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" I don't know how to tell Gabriel" I say panicking

" Tell me what "


"Ummmmm" I stutter. " N-nothing "
I was hoping he wouldn't think anything of it " okay...I could of swore u said my name though" phew I'm so glad that's over with

" Anyway I came up here to tell you that I will be tending to alpha duties until late tonight so I was gonna tell u not to wait up " I nodded to let him know it was okay but I was kinda excited so I could plan something for me to tell him as a surprise and I've got something incredible.

I discuss the plan with Chelsea and she thinks its a great idea ..... I am going to do it tomorrow morning before he goes and tends to his duties as alpha ........ It's already 10:00 pm so I was going to head to bed so I could get up early in the morning to get everything ready .

So I take a shower and quickly get ready for bed ... Because the next day was going to be a big day .....so I quickly get in bed after taking a shower and brushing my teeth ....
I lay down and pull the covers over me and drift in to the darkness ..

* The next morning *

It's currently 3 am and Im in the shower being careful not to wake Gabe up .... I leave a rose trail dow the stairs from our room leading to a heart and I'm gonna be holding a onesie in my hands over my tummy ...
Indicading that I'm in face pregnant ..... But a little twist is that in front of me is a gift which is going to be the pregnancy test and Chelsea and Charles is going to be videoing the whole this and then his parents and his cousins which are wonderful to btw ....

Are going to come out of the kitchen and surprise everyone.

So it's time for action ....
" Sis he's up I can hear him " I nod not bringing up the subject that I can hear him and feel him too lol

I feel him get anxious that I'm not there ..... I hear him Wondering about the rose petals leading down the stairs so once he gets ready I put the onesie in my pocket and hold the preasent ..in front of me I hear him come down the stairs and just as he rounds the corner I see him with wide eyes ...

" What is this its not my birthday or our anniversary." He has a smile on his face and he has a confused face wondering why Chelsea and Charles are videoing him and me .

He goes back to smiling " well don't stand there come in the heart and get your present .....I know it's not our anniversary I just felt like doing something nice for u "

He comes and stands in the heart and I give him the box that has the pregnancy test in it he stands there for a minute taking in the scene .... Then he finally lifts the lid off the box and my heart is pounding....

His eyes goes wide as he looks at me smiling " are u serious " he's smiling phew he's happy which makes me even more excited.... So I reach in my pocket pulling out the onesie that says worlds greatest dad ....he starts crying when I show him he lifts me up and is spinning me around the he kisses me " I'm so happy ...I'm gonna be a dad " .....I look up at him " I am too .....I'm so happy " we stand there for a minute the we hear the kitchen doors open and his family comes in ...

That makes him even more surprised...and they hug both of us tightly... And we begin our celebration with dinner and songs and karaoke party and a ice cream party now all that's left to do is to tell the pack .....

After the party is over his mom comes up to me " thank you so much Abby for saving his life I haven't seen him this happy since he has become alpha " I nod not knowing what to say .....

It is currently 2am in the morning ... And me and Gabe are just laying in the bed together neither one of us is able to sleep so we're just laying down together ....

" I'm so happy I'm gonna be a dad , I'm so lucky to have you " he said so sweetly

" And I'm proud to be a mother , and I'm glad to be with you , you seriously saved my life again and again I can't see myself without you ever " I said smiling back at him ....


I was running and running and running to get away from something
I finally came to a hault .... It was near a lake and I looked in my reflection and it wasn't me it was a pure white wolf with ice blue eyes .... What the- ...... Then I hear rustling in the woods a black wolf with grey eyes comes walking towards me and I know it's not Gabe because i know what his wolf looks like .....

"I'm coming for u bitch and your baby and your mate , u won't take anything from me " OMG I know that voice it's my brother . Oh no .....I start screaming" HELP ME , HELP ME , HELP ME PLEASE "

*Dream over *

"Abby , Abby , it's okay look at me " Gabe says trying to calm me down I start to panic no it wasn't okay it was real

*You know it's real *

"AHHH" I scream " what , what's wrong " he looks at me panicked also
"Who is this talking to me " I say still shaking and crying " oh dont be scared that's your wolf .... Hey I'm so glad you got it " oh oh okay I guess that's not that bad .

*Yeah but you know the bad part was ITS NOT A STUPID DREAM *

OMG he's coming for all of us ......"Gabe it wasn't a dream he's coming for all of us " he looks at me puzzled " who is coming " he says fully believing me " my brother Micheal " ......... I knew once Gabe killed my father that my brother would be after me .

"How do you know he's coming and it wasn't just a bad dream " he said confused......." My wolf told me it wasn't " ..... He looks " well can I have her name " he says ...oh well I guess I should give him a name instead of saying my wolf .

*My name is Moon *

"She says her name is moon " I say blankly....he looks at me shocked ....he grabs my arm and we went down to the gammas house
What the hell is he doing .....

What the hell is he doing? What do you think is going to happen? What is the gamma gonna tell Abby and Gabe about Abby's wolf ? Stay tuned and find out love you lovelys see u hopefully Saturday.

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