another year of hell

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I walked to the supermarket which is located right next to my house that's why every time I come in here people are all just like oh I know your father he's such a good man and/or I used to go to school with your brother ..... Everything inside of me just want to scream ....... But I can't ,

I was walking up the driveway to the supermarket when I felt like someone was watching me but I ignored it , I walked in grabbed a buggy and started looking for the glass plates .... Once I found them I noticed someone that looked familiar at the end of the hall ...... It was Gabriel ....

Shit I don't want to deal with him right now if I'm late it's gonna be another beating ......

I tried to walk away but he was too quick .....stupid werewolf speed,

"Hey" he said in a husky voice , that made a shiver run down my spine

"Hey " I said while avoiding eye contact

" What you here buying" let's get one thing straight here okay Gabriel is the kind of man that doesn't care about anyone but himself and when he wants something he's GONNA get it whether it's right or wrong he's gonna get it ......but little does he know I'm not a plaything

"None of your business" I said actually colder than I expected....and I don't know why but I felt a pang of hurt when I did say it like that.

And just like that he walked away but not before giving me a smirk .....what did that mean its like he knew something i didnt ......

I found the plates that I've been looking for , for the past HOUR holy shit I'm late .....I quickly paid for the plates and sprinted out the doors ignoring the sound of car horns blowing at me .

I got home and noticed ... That my dad and brother was home , oh shit ...I prepared myself mentally for what was going to happen .....

I walked in the front door and was met I mean MET with a frying pan to my face like seriously a frying pan ......

AND THIS " *KICK* *punch* "this for your daily beating " he grabbed the plates out of my hands and walked to the kitchen while I laid helpless there on the cold hard floor .....

I finally got up and started walking up to my bedroom .....

I laid down on my bed and I finally let darkness consume me

                   * Gabriel's pov *

I ran in wolf form to catch up with abby as she was walking home, I noticed that she was in a hurry and I mean a big hurry ....

She finally got home and I seen her open the door and looks like she was met with a impact ..... I got a little closer so I could here ....."THAT'S FOR BEING LATE  B**CH" a males voice said was going on in there and that's when I heard a females voice scream bloody murder.......Abby ....and then after about 30 mins the screaming stopped .....I had to take very much control over my wolf..... Xavier.

Before I went and snapped everyone's neck ...... I just had to take a deep breath......"sunshine soon I will save you " .

save me alphaOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz