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Gabe literally pulls me down the stairs ...what the hell is he doing .... "I'm taking you to the gammas house to confirm my theory "

*I know what he's trying to prove *

*What's he talking about , and tbh what the hell are you talking about *

* He's trying to prove that we are gifted which I'm gonna tell you the truth , we are *

*What the living fuck .... What the hell are you talking about gifted *

* Abby we are a gifted werewolf besides the other gifted ones we are the only ones thats pure white no other werewolves are and we are also the only ones that has ice blue eyes*

*Omfg first I am abused and then I find my mate and then I'm Luna and then I'm pregnant and now this crap you've got to be kidding me*

"Abby, Abby , Abby " I snap out of my trans " we're here "......great ....
" Gabe " he looks at me " before we go inside I just want to confirm u myself .....yes I'm gifted ..."

He looks at me shocked about what I had just said " how did u even know what I was trying to confirm " he asked .

"My wolf told me everything she said that I'm a gifted werewolf whos color is pure white with ice blue eyes and she also said that we, besides the other gifted one are the only one like that "  I say trying to keep my voice from breaking .

He ushers me into the gammas house .

" I know why your here " she says calmly.

" Your here because you and your wolf moon are part of the prophecy "
How is she so calm about this .

She goes over to a book case and pulls one down " see in the early time of werewolves is when they made this book and it says that there will be 5 brave and beautiful young lady who have experienced trama in there lives who will end the war between werewolves and rouges people who know who they are will try to kill them there wolves names will be Earth, wind , moon, fire, and water
To end the war they have to go together for specific training and only there mates can go with them on this journey it says there children will be natural born heros " .

Me and Gabe keep looking at each other im in utter shock about this .....I'm speechless but something comes to my mind .

" Is that why my brother is trying to kill me " I say ..... Gabe looks at me " what did u say " he looks at the gamma " how is this possible" .

She looks at him " if she had that dream it's probably a warning about what's coming..... So don't take it to lightly and she can also have visions and dreams about stuff before they happen as a warning ....just be there for your mate okay " he nods and then we go back to the pack house and up to our room...

I'm to shocked to say anything so I just go to sleep and so does gabe with his arms around me ...


I was in a basement looks like with the smell of blood everywhere and I look up at the light and I see it's dark in here but I see knives and saws over on the table with blood on them .

I see a guy coming towards me with a knife in his hand it's my brother I scream to the top of my lungs .

" This is where you die bitch " he says with a evil grin on his mouth .

*Dream/vision over *

I wake up panting out of breath ....

*Abby he's coming now *

* Who is coming *

*Santa clause who do u think your brother is coming tonight*

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