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All went to shopping for selecting their outfit for functions,

Jimin jin Amy and jennie (jackson's wife) came to pick up tae, while yoongi joon kook hobi and Jackson in another car and their kids r with their grand parents,

Jin:"tae she is Amy kook's sister and she is jennie jackson's wife, I told you about Jackson right she is his wife." He says.
Tae bow at them,

Amy:"don't do that." She says.
Jennie:"yeah we r not that old though." She says.
Tae just smile at them,

???:"tae oppa wait." She come running from his house.
Jin:"oohhh jisso when did you came." He ask.
Jisso is tae's one of cousin friend,
Jisso:"I came morning oppa." She says.
Jimin:"meet jisso tae cousin friend and jisso they r kook's sister Amy and she is our sister in law in shot bhabi jennie." He introduce them.

Jisso:"nice to meet noona." She says.
Amy&jennie:"same here jisso." They says.
Jimin:"aren't you joining us for shopping." He ask.
Jisso:"no oppa I can't because lisa was gone for some work and you know about Seokie he will take whole house on his head." She says.

Jennie:"lisa seokie." She ask.
Jin:"lisa is her wife and seokie is her kid." He says.
Tae:"so why were you calling." He ask.
Jisso:"ohh tae actually seokies diapers r over I ask lisa she says she'll be late so can you bring it." She ask.

Tae:"I will don't worry and plz give dadu medicines on time." He says.
Jisso:"I will my lord you go and enjoy with your in laws." She says and went from their.

All sit in car while Amy is driving and beside her tae sit and all other sit on back seat.
Just then Amy's call ring,

Amy:"tae can you pick up and put it on speaker it's hobi." She ask.
Tae noded and pick up call put it on speaker near Amy.

In call:
Hobi:"Amy where r you we r already in mall." He ask.
Amy:"hobi you guys go ahead because we r going to other mall and even we have to buy some outfits for kids." She says.

Hobi:"but I want to meet tae." He says.
Amy tae all chuckle at him,
Amy:"it's ok hobi you'll meet him later and you know mom strictly told us that kook and tae can't see eachother before marriage." She says.

Hobi:"oohhh yeah but kook ask me 100 times when you r" He was cut of by kook who take his phone.
Kook:"yeah Amy don't believe in your husband you know he take a whole row of sprite." He says, Amy and all smile at him,
Tae just lost in his voice.

Amy:"it's ok I'll deal with him, you guys go and select your outfits." She says.
Kook:"kk." He says.
Amy:"kook." She call.
Kook:"yeah what now." He ask.

Amy:"don't worry kook your beautiful husband is with us and we will take care of him." She says.
Kook:"yeah you better." He says.
Amy:"what." She ask being surprised, not only she all r surprised even tae.

Kook:"you better take care of him otherwise your makeup will get destroyed by me." He says.
Jimin:"oohh kook from when." He ask.
Kook:"Amy don't tell me you put it on speaker." He ask.

Amy:"yes and your husband is holding phone." She says.
Kook cough little.
Kook:"Haa ok Amy I'll talk to you later yoongi hyung calling me." He says and cut the call.

All laugh at him and tae just chuckle at him,
Amy:"ooohhhooo someone is blushing." She says.
Jimin:"what really tae you r blushing ohh my god hyung see." He says.
Jin:"yeah yeah it's called kook's effect." He says.

Jennie:"aishh why r u teasing him look at him he was red like tomato." She says.
Amy:"stop now no one can tease him." She says.
Tae:"you r the one who started it 1st." He says playfully with pout, all just chuckle at him..

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