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Now it's finally wedding day, All r busy in their preparations, kim mansion is beautifully decorated jennie hyun and Lisa r making everything is ready and perfect while elders r checking food and other things. And Tara sara both r burning in jealousy main Tara because jk is marrying tae,

In Jeon mansion all r very much busy in their works, some are busy in their clothes while someone making sure to decorate all things for welcoming tae while jin and jennie r instructing all maids to prepare their breakfast as all guest arrived, while jimin and Amy r being hella frustrated because of kook,

And what kook did, Kook was not letting them in room and jimin Amy wants to decorate his room because when they started decoration he came to his room to take some clothes that's when he saw they placed a box in cupboard when he opened it, it was full of condoms and sex toys, he get red seeing all this and throw both of them out of his room.

Now both Amy and jimin r knocking and kook not opening his door,

Jimin:"aishhh what should we do now, we have to complete decoration before 1 and now look it's 11, we have to leave from here at 2." He says.
Amy was thinking something deeply,

Jimin:"Amy what r u thinking focus here." He says.
Amy:"chim wait we can call tae and tell him that kook was not allowing in his room as we have to decorate." She says.
Jimin:"yeah perfect as per I know kook never decline tae." He says.
Amy noded with smile.
Jimin call tae,

Here tae was trying his dress for fifth time because fitting, his dress was tight for him, so he was getting frustrated, just then his phone ring, he saw jimin is calling him, he pick up call,

In call:

Tae:"yes chim hyung." He ask.
Jimin:"tae we want your help plzz." He ask.
Tae:"yes hyung how can I help you." He says.

Amy:"tae plzz call your stupid husband and tell him to allow us in his room, we have to complete the decoration tae." He ask.

Tae just smile because he feel lots of butterflies when Amy call kook his husband,

Tae:"what you both did that he throw you out of his room." He says.
Jimin:"tae we didn't do anything you know us na." He says.

Tae:"I'm sure he didn't throw you out of room without reason." He ask.
Amy:"yeah yeah now you r taking your husband side." She says.

Jimin:"yes Amy look we r nothing infront of his husband." He says.
Tae:"kk sry you guys also important ok don't worry I'll talk to him give me 15 min." He says.

Amy jimin jump in excitement,
Amy&jimin:"yeahhh thank you soo much tae" both says and cut the call.
Tae just smile at him.

After sometime tae decided to call kook,

Otherside kook was in his room, he already tried his wedding outfit, now he was sitting in balcony doing some office work,
He frown when he saw tae is calling him,
He pick up the call,

In call:

Kook:"hello." He says.
Tae:"hi." He says.
Kook:"hmm say." He ask.
Tae:"that's rude Mr jeon." He says
Kook chuckle at him,

Kook:"so what's according to you is right Mrs jeon." He ask.

Tae feel lots of butterflies in his stomach he just blush hearing what kook call him,
Tae:"you have to ask how r you instead of hmm say." He says while mimicking kook, Kook again chuckle.
Kook:"ok so how r you." He ask.
Tae:"I'm fine what about you." He ask.
Kook:"im also fine, how's your hand." He ask while closing his laptop.
Tae:"it's totally fine." He says.

Kook:"did you had breakfast." He ask.
Tae:"yes I already had what about you." He ask.
Kook:"no I just had my coffee." He says.
Tae:"don't drink that bitter thing always, eat something healthy too." He says.
Kook smile because tae's really an angel.
He's feeling so good knowing that someone will take care of him, someone will be their when he's in pain.. he just smile thinking this all.
Tae:"Mr jeon I'm talking to you." He says while not receiving answer.

Kook come out from his thoughts and the smile never leave from his lips, a person who rarely or we can say never laugh after incident in his past, he's smiling just listening his soon to be husband's voice..

Kook:"yeah I'm listening, ok Mrs jeon I will eat don't worry." He says.

Tae:"ok ok, why r you not allowing noona and chim hyung in room." He ask.
Kook:"as expected they drag you." He says while rolling his eyes.

Tae:"it's not like that, they have to complete their work too na so let them complete, I know they create problem I know you don't throw them out of your room without any reason but still they r your brother in law and your younger sister they have lots of things to do so let them do this." He says.

Kook just listening to him first time tae talk this much, he just want to listen..

Tae:"answer me na." He says.
Kook come out from his thoughts and clear his throat,

Kook:"hmm i will allow them ok." He ask.
Just then jisso enter in tae room,

Jisso:"tae it's not that much tight you wear it." She says,
Tae:"noona I will call you later just 10min." He says, jisso noded with smile and went from their.

Kook:"what happen." He ask.
Tae:"nothing the tailor whom I gave dress he stitches it tight and I don't want to wear tight because its really like revealing type." He says.

Kook:"but it's your dadi's right." He ask.
Tae:"yes it is, I just want kill him he almost ruined it." He says.
Kook:"if it's tight don't wear, If you want I will send jin hyung." He says.

Tae:"no it's ok don't disturb him." He says.
Kook:"then how you manage." He ask.
Tae:"Mr jeon don't underestimate me because I myself will make that dress perfect." He says, Kook chuckle at him,

Kook:"I trust you mrs jeon." He says.
Both chuckle,
Tae:"r u sure right about this marraige." He ask being serious..
Kook:"yeah I think now I'm ready." He says.
Tae:"but you didn't even see me, what if I look ugly." He says.

Kook chuckle,
Kook:"you also didn't see me what if you think I'm ugly." He says.

Tae:"you will not I'm sure because jimin hyung jin hyung with all their descriptions you look best and I don't have problem if you don't look good because you are giving me peace and that's all I want." He says.

Kook just listening, he don't know but he's really feeling lucky that he got tae as his life partner as his better half,

Kook:"leave it now go and do something about your dress and plzz don't wear tight clothes hmm." He says.
Tae:"kk, you r allowing chim hyung and Amy noona in your room right Mr jeon." He says.

Kook:"yes Mrs jeon how can I disagree when you say to allow them in OUR room."As he says tae start smiling,
Tae was feeling thousands of butterflies listening our room,

Tae:"kk bye." He says.
Kook:"see you soon Mrs jeon." He says and cut the call..

Kook tae both r feeling new feelings and emotions, both r so much happy with this Marraige, both r healing eachother...
Let's see what will happen and how they take their journey...

Hey guys, hope you like this chapter, and plzz give some love..
Sorry for grammatical mistakes
Thank you so much for reading..

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