CH.5: Showdown with ink.

Start from the beginning

Error heard a screeching sound that most likely came from ink. Putting a hand to his Mouth..? Teeth? He tried to stifle a snort before it turned into hysterical laughter. "WHA- WHY IS THE FLOOR SO PINK AND GLITTERY!? I DONT REMEMBER DECORATING BEFORE I LEFT?!" Ink stuttered as he suddenly grabbed his scarf, skimming through every part of his notes to make sure he wasn't the one who decorated his doodlesphere. Ink had then noticed some writing in the corner of his eyes.

Ink slowly walked to it, still feeling a bit lost, he saw the little message that said 'Error waz here :P'. Ink felt really confused since he doesn't remember a person called 'Error'. Ink quickly went back to skimming through his notes on his scarf before his eye lights stopped on a note aggressively circled on that said 'FIND OUT WHO MYSTERIOUS GLITCHY SKELETON WITH ERROR WORDS ARE'. Ink slowly pieced the puzzle pieces together as his eyes widened in realization. "SO THAT WEIRD SKELETON IS CALLED ERROR? huh.. kinda plain.." Ink muttered to himself

"0H F^Ck Y0U!11 iTS N0T PLA1N!!" Error shouted out before his eyes widened from his mistake, quickly putting a hand to his mouth before cursing. "sH1T."

Ink instantly became cautious from the shout he did not expect. "Show yourself!" Ink shouted back as he hesitantly reached a hand for his broom, that was laying behind his back. Error then thought about what to do before he deadpanned. He could literally teleport. Why is he panicking. 'Y'know what I'm just going to make a show out of this'

Error let out a glitchy chuckle as he surrendered, put his hands up in defeat as he slowly stood up and turned around to face ink. "Its you! the weird skeleton that didn't belong to that AU!" Ink pointed at error as he just grinned in response. Error slowly clapped his hands as he spoke again. "W0w. y0U fOuNd mE s0 FaSt.." Error taunted as he stopped clapping, looking at ink with no fear evident on his face when in reality, he's having a mental breakdown.

'Oh god why did I even want to make a show out of this. if we fight then I'll probably end up as a dead skeleton. I HAVE NO FIGHTING EXPERIENCE! IM SO DUMB.' Error mentally cried tears 'but I can benefit from it right..? he can't be that good at fighting since he did not have to fight up until error appeared.. if that is the case.. it wouldn't hurt to annoy him, would it? I'm pretty sure he won't find.. ill surely not regret it right?' Oh man how error jinxed it.

"Y0U kN0W. iT WaS g3Tt1Ng rEaL b0rEd wAiTiNg F0R y0U t0 F1nD mE y0U aN0M4Ly." Error said as he had a shit eating grin, as if his mental breakdown was non-existent. 'SHIT. YOU REALLY SAID ANOMALY. AGHH I WANNA CRY RIGHT HERE RIGHT NOW.'

Ink frowned at the word 'Anomaly' before speaking up, "Anomaly? What do you mean by that!" Ink grabbed his broom as he stabled it Infront of him in a sword like position, waiting for error to make the first move

'okay. this is important. all I need to do is explain the concept of this shitty 'Creation cant live without destruction' and ill live!.. probably. just don't mess it up and keep up with the error act. and maybe he'll get scared and back off my tail.' Error mentally noted before finally replying to ink "D0Nt Y0U kN0W? y0uRe aLL uNwAnTeD cReAtiOnS tHaT n3eD t0 bE dEsTrOyEd! L1TtLe W0RtHL3ss pEbBLeS tHaT hAvE n0 mEaN1Ng oR hOpE!" Error let out a glitchy roar of laughter

"You're insane! These creations aren't worthless and most certainly do NOT need destroying!" Ink's eye shapes changed as his left eye was a purple exclamation mark and the other was a red X. "They're full of life! They're meaningful and beautiful! All equally created by the creators! You cannot INSULT THEM like that!" Ink growled out as he gripped his broom tighter as error had an annoyed stare. 'WHY ISNT HE SCARED?! HE'S SO CONFUSING.. either that or im just terrible at reading the mood.' Error mentally slapped himself before reminding himself that if things get dangerous he could just portal away.

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