Bonus Chapter 6: Awaiting Arrival

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A month had passed since that passionate morning, and the royal couple found themselves immersed in the preparations for the arrival of their twins. The anticipation and excitement had only grown, and Y/N's pregnancy continued to be a source of joy and wonder for both her and Taehyung.

On a sunny morning, with the golden rays casting a warm glow, Y/N and Taehyung embarked on a special mission—baby shopping. With a list in hand and a team of discreet bodyguards accompanying them, they entered a charming baby boutique in the heart of Seoul.

The store was a haven of all things adorable and practical for newborns, filled with tiny clothes, soft blankets, and an array of baby essentials. Taehyung's eyes widened at the sight of miniature onesies, his heart swelling with a mixture of excitement and paternal warmth.

"Look at these, Y/N," he exclaimed, holding up a tiny pair of baby booties adorned with playful animal faces. "They're so small and cute! We have to get them."

Y/N chuckled at Taehyung's enthusiasm, her own heart fluttering at the sight of the pint-sized baby items. Together, they navigated the aisles, picking out a rainbow of onesies, tiny hats, and blankets in soft pastel colors.

As they moved through the store, Taehyung couldn't resist grabbing a few items that caught his eye, his excitement palpable. "We need this mobile for the crib, and oh, these plush toys are a must!" he declared, his eyes sparkling with a mixture of joy and determination.

The bodyguards, maintaining a discreet distance, kept a watchful eye on the surroundings, ensuring the couple's shopping experience remained private and undisturbed.

Y/N, equally enthralled by the array of baby items, joined in the excitement. "How about this adorable little dress for our baby girl?" she suggested, holding up a tiny garment adorned with delicate embroidery.

Taehyung's eyes softened as he gazed at the dress. "Absolutely, she's going to look like a little princess in that," he replied, his voice filled with paternal warmth.

The couple spent hours selecting everything their little ones could possibly need—diapers, bottles, a cozy crib, and even a whimsical mobile that played a soothing lullaby. Each item was chosen with love and anticipation, a testament to the profound connection between Y/N and Taehyung.

As they approached the checkout counter, their arms laden with bags filled with baby treasures, Taehyung couldn't help but express his gratitude. "I want to make sure our babies have everything they need, and more," he confessed, his eyes locked onto Y/N's with a mixture of love and determination.

Y/N smiled, touched by Taehyung's commitment. "They are already so loved, Taehyung. With you as their father, I have no doubt they'll have the best of everything."

The cashier, recognizing the royal couple, handled the transaction discreetly, ensuring their privacy. With their purchases secured, Y/N and Taehyung left the boutique, the excitement of impending parenthood radiating from them.

The bodyguards, maintaining their vigilant stance, accompanied them as they stepped back into the bustling streets of Seoul. Taehyung, a protective arm around Y/N, couldn't help but feel a profound sense of fulfillment as they walked side by side, carrying the tangible evidence of their journey into parenthood.

The month that followed was a whirlwind of baby preparations. The nursery in the palace was transformed into a haven of pastel colors and soft furnishings. Taehyung, displaying a meticulous attention to detail, personally oversaw every aspect of the setup, ensuring it reflected the warmth and love awaiting their twins.

Y/N, adorned in a stylish maternity dress that accentuated her radiant glow, joined Taehyung in the nursery. The couple spent evenings in the cozy space, imagining the laughter of their little ones and the shared moments of joy that awaited them.

As the due date approached, the palace buzzed with anticipation. Taehyung, his excitement palpable, found solace in the quiet moments with Y/N, their hands entwined as they awaited the arrival of their twins.

The palace staff, aware of the delicate nature of the situation, ensured that the couple had the space and privacy they needed. The medical team, on standby, was ready to assist when the time came.

In the heart of bustling Seoul, a royal nursery stood ready, adorned with love and anticipation. The city itself seemed to hold its breath, awaiting the arrival of the newest members of the royal family.

And so, with the nursery prepared and their hearts filled with love, Y/N and Taehyung stood on the precipice of a new chapter—the chapter where the pitter-patter of tiny feet would fill the palace halls, and the symphony of parenthood would begin.

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