Chapter 19: When Bullies Cross the Line

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Over the next month, Y/N, Taehyung, and Seokjin continued to navigate the challenges of Collage life while keeping their royal identities a closely guarded secret. Y/N's ability to adapt to her new life, even in the face of bullying and harsh gossip, was a testament to her remarkable resilience.

Collage life was a delicate balancing act for the trio. Y/N attended classes, participated in extracurricular activities, and maintained her studies, all while concealing her identity as the fiancée of the crown prince. Taehyung supported her in this endeavor, and Seokjin, as the undercover bodyguard, was ever watchful, ensuring her safety in the bustling campus environment.

Y/N's interaction with her classmates, including Jiyeon, Minji, and Joon, was cautious but friendly. She never revealed her true status or the depth of her connection with Taehyung. Instead, she presented herself as a regular Collage student with dreams and aspirations.

Despite facing bullying and harsh gossip, Y/N refused to let it deter her. She maintained a poised and graceful demeanor, showing incredible inner strength. Her ability to rise above the negativity and stay true to herself was admired by those who knew her secret, including Taehyung and Seok-jin.

Taehyung, ever the supportive partner, dedicated himself to assisting Y/N in any way he could. He attended classes with her, helping her navigate the complex world of academia. They also shared secret moments together, their love for each other growing stronger with each stolen glance and whispered word.

Seokjin, as the undercover bodyguard, was diligent in his role. He observed Y/N's surroundings, always on the lookout for potential threats or harm. His presence was a silent but powerful assurance of safety, allowing Y/N to focus on her studies and relationships.

On one fateful day, as the autumn leaves painted the campus in shades of red and gold, Y/N's world took a dark turn. It was a day like any other, with classes and a semblance of normalcy, but it was about to shatter.

Jiyeon, Minji, and Joon, the bullies who had relentlessly targeted Y/N, had grown increasingly frustrated by their inability to break her spirit. Fuelled by jealousy and resentment, they hatched a malicious plan to trap and humiliate Y/N.

As Y/N was heading to her next class, Jiyeon approached her with a deceptively friendly smile. "Y/N," she began, her tone sugary sweet, "I think we should clear the air between us. Let's have a little chat."

Y/N, wary but willing to give peace a chance, agreed. She followed Jiyeon to an empty classroom, thinking that perhaps they could finally find common ground and put an end to the bullying.

Once inside the room, Jiyeon's demeanor swiftly changed. With a sinister glint in her eye, she locked the door behind her, trapping Y/N inside. Her smile turned into a malicious grin as she cornered Y/N.

Jiyeon's words were laced with venom as she sneered, "You think you're so special, don't you? Walking around with those guys and acting like you belong here. Well, it's time you learn your place."

Y/N's heart raced as she realized the danger of the situation. Jiyeon had trapped her, and her intent was clear—to inflict physical harm and humiliation.

Y/N's heart raced as she found herself trapped in the classroom, and the situation took a dark turn. Jiyeon's deceptively friendly facade gave way to raw malice, and she launched a vicious assault on Y/N. Her clenched fist struck Y/N's face, and the impact left an immediate, fiery mark of cruelty and violence.

Pain shot through Y/N's cheek as she staggered back from the force of the blow. She could taste the metallic tang of blood in her mouth, but her determination to stand up to her aggressors didn't waver. Jiyeon's venomous words only fueled her resolve.

But the assault continued. Jiyeon was relentless, and she wasn't alone. Minji and Joon, driven by their own jealousy and resentment, joined in the attack. They unleashed a barrage of punches, kicks, and cruel taunts, targeting Y/N with calculated cruelty.

As the bullies' fists and kicks landed, Y/N whimpered, her pain and fear growing with every moment. She cried out for Taehyung, but the door was locked, and her plea went unanswered. The bullies showed no mercy, leaving her bleeding and battered.

Finally, their brutality reached a chilling climax. Y/N, her strength depleted, fell to the ground, her vision blurred, consciousness slipping away. Jiyeon, Minji, and Joon, their cruelty satisfied, left her there, unconscious and bleeding, and fled the room.

Meanwhile, Taehyung and Seokjin were unaware of the unfolding tragedy. They had gone to the restroom during a break between classes, leaving Y/N alone, not foreseeing the danger she would soon face.

Upon their return, they were met with an empty classroom. Y/N was gone, and there was no sign of her. The room's door was locked, and they felt a chilling sense of foreboding. Their search for Y/N began immediately.

The clock seemed to tick louder with every passing minute as Taehyung and Seokjin's frantic search for Y/N continued. The normally bustling college campus felt eerily quiet as they combed through its every corner. Anxiety and fear gnawed at their hearts, urging them to find Y/N, to ensure her safety and well-being.

Taehyung's mind raced with worry, each passing moment intensifying the torment of not knowing where she was. Every possibility, every worst-case scenario, loomed in his thoughts. He couldn't bear the thought of Y/N suffering, especially after all the cruelty she had endured.

Seokjin, just as determined to find Y/N, scoured every inch of the campus with a resolute focus. His commitment to her safety was unwavering, and he felt a deep sense of responsibility. The more time that passed, the more desperate their search became.

They questioned students, staff, and anyone they encountered, hoping for a clue or a lead. As they inquired about Y/N's whereabouts, they sensed the gravity of the situation sinking in for those who heard the distress in their voices.

Hours felt like an eternity, and Taehyung's heart ached with the fear of what they might discover. He couldn't shake the image of Y/N alone and in danger, and he was determined to bring her back to safety.

The autumn sun dipped below the horizon, casting long shadows across the campus. The chill in the air mirrored the growing sense of dread that gripped Taehyung and Seokjin. They couldn't rest, couldn't give up, and they refused to let despair consume them.

Finally, their relentless search led them to a nondescript room in a quiet corner of the campus. The door had been locked for hours, but the sheer urgency of the situation compelled them to break it open.

As Taehyung and Seokjin burst through the door. Their eyes fell upon Y/N, who lays battered and bruised on the cold floor, her unconscious form a stark contrast to the cruel reality she had endured.

Tears welled up in Taehyung's eyes as he rushed to her side. His heart ached with a mixture of anguish and love. He knelt down beside her, his fingers trembling as he brushed a strand of hair away from her face, revealing the injuries she had sustained. The sight of her swollen eye and bruised cheek ignited a fierce determination within him to protect her, to heal her, and to seek justice.

Gently, he cradled Y/N's battered form in his arms, his touch exuding care and tenderness. He whispered words of reassurance, even though he knew she couldn't hear them in her unconscious state. "Y/N, I'm here. We're going to get you the help you need. You're not alone, princess."

Seokjin, unwavering in his support, had already dialed for medical assistance. He provided the necessary information and calmly ensured that help was on the way. While they waited for the paramedics, he maintained a protective presence, ensuring that Y/N was safe and that her tormentors were long gone.

The minutes felt like an eternity as they awaited the arrival of medical professionals who would tend to Y/N's injuries. Taehyung's gaze never wavered from her face, his love and concern a palpable force in the room.

Jiyeon, Minji, and Joon, the culprits of this heinous act, had long since fled, their cruelty left behind as evidence. Y/N, Taehyung, and Seokjin were left to pick up the pieces, to support Y/N on her road to recovery, and to seek justice for the injustice inflicted upon her.

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