Chapter 9: Shocking Realization

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The sun dipped below the horizon as Taehyung and Y/N walked back to her apartment after a day of classes at college. The air was crisp, and the gentle breeze carried the promise of autumn. Taehyung's car stood parked in front of her apartment building, a silent witness to the bond that had grown between them.

As they approached her apartment building, Y/N turned to Taehyung with a smile. "Tae, would you like to come in for a while?" she asked, her eyes reflecting warmth and hospitality. "I know it's not that big, but I'd love for you to see where I live."

Taehyung returned her smile, touched by her invitation. "I'd love to, Y/N," he replied. "Size doesn't matter; it's the heart that makes a place special."

They climbed the stairs to Y/N's apartment, and she unlocked the door, leading Taehyung inside. The cozy one-room sanctuary was a reflection of her personality-warm, inviting, and filled with personal touches.

As they entered the living area, Taehyung's eyes fell on a framed picture sitting on a small wooden table. It was a photograph of a little girl, a younger version of Y/N, beaming with innocence and joy, flanked by her parents who were equally radiant. Their smiles were a testament to the love and happiness they had shared.

Taehyung's curiosity got the best of him, and he pointed to the photograph. "Y/N, is that you and your parents?" he asked gently.

Y/N's expression softened, and she nodded, her gaze fixed on the cherished image. "Yes, Tae," she replied, her voice tinged with nostalgia. "That's me with my parents when I was just a little girl."

Taehyung could sense the emotions welling up within her, and he waited for her to share more, sensing that this was a significant part of her life.

"They were the most wonderful parents," Y/N began, her voice filled with affection and sorrow. "They loved me unconditionally and gave me the happiest childhood I could have ever asked for."

Taehyung listened intently, his heart going out to Y/N as he realized that this was a deeply personal and emotional moment for her.

Y/N continued, her voice trembling slightly. "But... but they passed away when I was very young," she confessed, her eyes brimming with tears. "It was a car accident, and I lost them both. I've missed them every day since."

Taehyung's heart ached for Y/N as he saw the pain in her eyes. He could only imagine the magnitude of her loss and the void it had left in her life. Without a word, he moved closer to her, wrapping his arms around her in a comforting embrace.

Y/N leaned into his warmth, her tears flowing freely as she allowed herself to grieve the parents she had lost far too soon. Taehyung held her gently, providing her with the solace she needed in that moment.

As Y/N cried, Taehyung whispered words of comfort and understanding. He knew that there was nothing he could say to fill the void left by her parents, but he wanted her to know that she didn't have to bear her pain alone.

They stood there in the quiet of Y/N's apartment, the photograph serving as a reminder of the family she had cherished. In that shared moment of vulnerability, Taehyung and Y/N's bond deepened even further, their connection transcending the boundaries of friendship.

Taehyung understood that Y/N carried the weight of her past with her every day, but he also knew that she possessed a strength and resilience that had allowed her to persevere. And he was determined to be there for her, offering his support and friendship as they navigated the challenges of life together.

As the night continued, they talked about happier memories of Y/N's parents, sharing stories and laughter amidst the tears. It was a bittersweet evening, one that allowed Y/N to remember the love she had experienced and the warmth of her family.

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