Chapter 1: Unlikely Beginnings

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In the heart of bustling Seoul, Y/N's one-room apartment served as her sanctuary. It was a cozy space that felt like an extension of her very being. The walls were painted in warm, inviting tones that enveloped her in a sense of calm and tranquility. The furnishings were simple but exuded a comforting charm. A plush, well-loved couch sat near the window, a perfect spot for her to curl up with a good book on lazy afternoons.

The room was a testament to her love for literature. Shelves lined with books of various genres adorned one wall, their spines worn from countless readings. These books were her closest companions, offering solace and escape from the challenges of the world outside. There were classic novels with tattered pages, modern bestsellers with their vivid covers, and obscure titles that she had stumbled upon during her literary adventures.

Her desk, nestled against another wall, was a testament to her dedication to her studies. College textbooks and meticulously organized notes covered its surface. Y/N was a senior in college, pursuing a degree in literature, her chosen path guided by her unwavering love for words and stories. Her dreams were as vast as the universe, and this tiny apartment was her launchpad to reach them.

Y/N herself was a striking figure, her appearance marked by a unique and captivating beauty. Her features were not those of a conventional beauty, but they held a magnetic allure that drew people in. Her hair, a cascade of dark, silky strands, framed her face in a way that accentuated her enigmatic aura. But it was her eyes that left an indelible impression on anyone who met her.

Heterochromia, the condition that bestowed upon her one eye a deep, rich brown and the other a mesmerizing shade of emerald green, was her defining feature. Her eyes told a story of contrasts, much like her own life - one filled with both light and shadow, warmth and solitude. They were windows to her soul, revealing depths of emotion and wisdom beyond her years.

Despite her academic achievements and unique beauty, Y/N's life had been a series of trials and tribulations. She had faced hardships that would have tested the resolve of even the strongest souls. At a tender age, the cruel hand of fate had stolen her parents away, leaving her with only cherished memories and an enduring sense of loneliness. Her parents had been her pillars of support, and their absence had cast a shadow that refused to dissipate.

Yet, Y/N had emerged from the depths of adversity with an indomitable spirit. She had become fiercely independent, learning to navigate life's challenges with determination. The pain of loss had instilled in her a sense of self-reliance that few could rival. In her world, she was both the captain and the crew of her ship, steering it through life's tempestuous waters with unwavering resolve.

As for her personal style, Y/N was a breath of fresh air in a world that often valued conformity. She eschewed the trappings of fashion for the comfort of practicality. Jeans and cozy sweaters were her daily attire, and she rarely indulged in what society deemed "girly things." Her wardrobe was a reflection of her refusal to conform to external expectations, a rebellion against the notion that appearance defined worth.

In the midst of her solitude, Y/N had found solace in her studies, in the worlds she discovered within the pages of books, and in the quiet moments spent gazing out of her apartment window at the bustling city below. Her one-room apartment was more than just a physical space; it was a sanctuary where she could be herself, away from the judgmental eyes of the world.

As Y/N was lost in her thoughts, the soft peeping of her phone drew her attention like a gentle whisper in the midst of her solitude. Her heart quickened, and a curious mix of excitement and apprehension washed over her. Messages to her were a rarity, reserved for important notifications or the occasional check-in from her professors. Her circle of acquaintances was as sparse as the few rays of sunlight that managed to filter through her apartment's curtains, and the few classmates she had never quite understood her.

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