Chapter 12: Sweet Lips

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The morning sun streamed through the window, casting a warm glow across Y/N's room as she finally gathered the courage to get out of bed. She knew she needed to push aside her worries and focus on the day ahead. After all, she had college to attend, responsibilities to fulfill, and a life to live beyond her feelings for Taehyung.

As she went about her morning routine, the familiar sound of the doorbell rang through her apartment. Y/N's heart skipped a beat as she hurriedly finished dressing. She knew that the person at the door was none other than Taehyung, as they had agreed to walk to college together.

Taehyung greeted her with a warm smile when she opened the door. "Hey, Y/N," he said cheerfully. "Ready for another day of college adventures?"

Y/N returned his smile, feeling a sense of comfort in his presence. "Absolutely, Tae," she replied, locking her door behind her. "Let's go."

As they walked towards the college campus, Taehyung suddenly excused himself. "Hey, Y/N, I need to use the restroom real quick. I'll meet you in class, okay?"

Y/N nodded, and Taehyung rushed off towards the restroom. She continued on her way, heading to their shared class alone.

Inside the classroom, Y/N noticed familiar faces. Jiyeon, Minji, and Joon were all present. She couldn't help but feel a sense of apprehension, knowing that Jiyeon had made it her mission to target her in the past.

Just as Y/N took her seat, Jiyeon's eyes locked onto her, a malicious glint in her gaze. She smirked and leaned in to whisper to her friends, making sure Y/N could hear every word.

"Looks like Taehyun ditched her again," Jiyeon sneered, her voice dripping with venom. "Maybe he's finally realized she's not worth his time."

Minji and Joon chuckled, nodding in agreement. Jiyeon continued her verbal assault, loud enough for others to overhear. "Honestly, Y/N should just leave Taehyun alone. She's deluding herself if she thinks she has a chance with him."

The comments stung, but Y/N tried her best to ignore them, focusing on her textbook. However, Jiyeon wasn't content with just words. She leaned over and gave Y/N's desk a hard shove, causing her to nearly topple out of her chair.

Y/N's cheeks burned with embarrassment, but she refused to let Jiyeon's taunts get to her. She straightened her posture and held her ground.

But things escalated quickly. Jiyeon and her friends began to physically harass Y/N, pushing her, pulling her hair, and making derogatory comments about her. Y/N felt trapped, the fear and humiliation overwhelming her.

Just as she was about to cry out for help, the classroom door swung open, and Taehyung returned from the restroom. His eyes widened in shock as he took in the scene before him-the bullies physically assaulting Y/N.

Taehyung's expression turned from shock to anger in an instant. His fists clenched at his sides as he approached the group, his voice filled with righteous indignation. "What the hell do you think you're doing?" he seethed.

Jiyeon, still cocky and unrepentant, smirked at Taehyung. "Just teaching Y/N a lesson, Taehyun. She needs to stay away from you."

But Taehyung was having none of it. He stepped forward, ready to intervene, when Jiyeon's attitude pushed him over the edge. "You and your little posse are gonna regret this," he warned, his voice low and dangerous.

Jiyeon's confidence wavered for a moment, but she quickly regained her composure, unfazed by Taehyung's anger. "And what are you going to do, Taehyun? You can't protect her all the time."

Before Taehyung could respond, the professor entered the classroom, bringing a temporary halt to the confrontation. Taehyung knew that he needed to take Y/N out of this situation immediately.

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