Chapter 21: A Night of Recovery

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The morning sun cast a gentle, golden glow across the curtains, illuminating the room. Taehyung, who had remained ever watchful throughout the night, stirred awake as the first rays of dawn breached the room's serenity. His body had been poised, ready to respond to any need or discomfort Y/N might have experienced during her sleep.

With painstaking care, he eased himself out of the bed, the sheets falling gently around him. Taehyung had been mindful not to disturb Y/N's slumber; her rest was paramount to her recovery. As he stood, he stole a final glance at her, her form peaceful in repose, her breathing steady. The room's elegant decor was bathed in the soft morning light, creating a serene and comforting ambiance.

Taehyung knew that the new day would bring fresh challenges and responsibilities. The police investigation would proceed, Y/N's recovery would continue, and the dark cloud of the previous day's events still loomed. Yet, he was prepared to face it all with unwavering resolve, fueled by his love for Y/N and his commitment to justice.

Gentle, hushed knock on the door of the VIP room signaled the arrival of two of the most prominent figures in Korea: Taehyung's parents, the King and Queen. Their entrance into the room was marked by a mix of emotions, ranging from deep concern to palpable relief.

The King and Queen, adorned in their regal attire, entered with the grace and dignity befitting their royal station. Their eyes, however, revealed more than the formality of their roles; they were filled with genuine love and care for both their son and Y/N.

Taehyung, who had been quietly awaiting their arrival, greeted his parents with a solemn nod. His emotions were still raw from the previous day's harrowing events, and the mere sight of his parents provided both comfort and a sense of responsibility.

The Queen, her voice imbued with motherly warmth, inquired, "How is Y/N, Taehyung?"

Taehyung responded with a mixture of relief and lingering worry in his voice, "She's resting, Mother. The doctors have been taking good care of her. She woke up briefly last night and identified her attackers."

The King, his expression grave, spoke with a sense of purpose, "Thank you for informing us, Taehyung. Justice will be served. Now, let us focus on Y/N's recovery."

With a gentle nod, the Queen approached Y/N, her eyes filled with compassion. She extended a hand to softly stroke Y/N's hair, offering silent comfort. Y/N's connection to the royal family had transformed her into a member of their extended circle, and they felt a deep sense of responsibility and care for her well-being.

The King, his voice resonating with the weight of his authority, addressed Taehyung in a private and somber conversation. The room seemed to grow quieter, and the gravity of the situation hung in the air as he spoke.

"Taehyung," the King began, "We have had a thorough discussion with the police regarding the incident. They have given us their solemn assurance that a meticulous investigation will be carried out to uncover the truth."

His expression, typically a mask of regal composure, was etched with concern. The King's commitment to justice and the well-being of Y/N was unwavering.

He continued, his words deliberate and measured, "Furthermore, they have assured us that this matter will be kept strictly confidential. The public's awareness of this incident must be prevented at all costs. Y/N's safety and reputation must be preserved."

The King's voice held a tone of unwavering resolve, underscoring the importance of discretion. The reputation of the kingdom and the safety of Y/N were paramount in this delicate situation, and the King's determination was a reflection of the weight of his responsibilities as both a father and a monarch.

As the morning sun continued to rise, Y/N's consciousness slowly returned. She awoke to find Taehyung at her side, his love for her as evident as ever. She whispered his name, her voice still slightly weak from the events of the previous day.

Taehyung, his face lighting up with relief, leaned closer to her. "Y/N, you're awake. How are you feeling?"

Y/N's gaze met his, and she replied, "I'm sore, but I'll be okay. Tae, I want to help the police with their investigation. I want those responsible to face the consequences."

Taehyung nodded, his determination matching hers. "We'll make sure justice is served, Y/N. You're incredibly strong, and I'm so proud of you."

As Y/N and Taehyung shared a moment of resolve and love, the hospital staff continued to provide attentive care. Their presence and professionalism ensured that Y/N's recovery was progressing as smoothly as possible.

The arrival of the police at the hospital marked a crucial step in seeking justice for Y/N's assault. Y/N, her determination unwavering, was prepared to recount the traumatic events in meticulous detail to aid their investigation.

The room was hushed as the detectives entered, their expressions a mix of professionalism and concern. They greeted Y/N with respect, understanding the gravity of the situation and the courage it took for her to come forward.

Y/N, lying in her hospital bed, began to narrate the events of the assault. Her voice was steady, and her recollection was vivid. She described the encounter with Jiyeon, Minji, and Joon in chilling detail, recounting their malicious words, the assault, and the moments that followed.

She provided the police with descriptions of her attackers, their actions, and their motives. Her account left no stone unturned, painting a comprehensive picture of the cruelty she had endured.

Y/N's unwavering strength and determination were palpable as she recounted the trauma she had experienced. Her words were delivered with a sense of purpose, the desire for justice burning brightly in her eyes.

The detectives listened attentively, jotting down notes and asking clarifying questions when necessary. They were meticulous in their approach, ensuring that every detail was recorded accurately.

As Y/N's statement continued, her resilience and resolve were evident. She described the emotional and physical pain she had endured, the fear that had gripped her, and the moments of bravery that had allowed her to identify her attackers.

Throughout the process, Taehyung remained by her side, offering silent support and a comforting presence. His love for Y/N was evident in every glance and touch, a testament to the unwavering bond they shared.

After Y/N's detailed statement, the detectives expressed their gratitude for her cooperation. They assured her that they would conduct a thorough investigation to bring those responsible to justice. The assault on a member of the royal family could not go unpunished, and the police were committed to their duty.

With the police questioning concluded, Y/N was advised to remain at the hospital for an additional day to monitor her recovery. The medical staff wanted to ensure that her injuries were healing properly and that she was regaining her strength.

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