Chapter 26: Transitioning into Royalty

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As Taehyung and Y/N cuddled in the warm cocoon of their love, a soft bark interrupted their intimate moment. They turned their attention to the source of the sound, and there was Yeontan, perched in his little basket, clearly wanting to join them in bed.

The room still carried the lingering scent of their passionate lovemaking, a heady and sweet reminder of the intensity of their connection. It wrapped around them like a sensual shroud, amplifying the intimacy of the moment.

Y/N couldn't resist that adorable face. She gently left Taehyung's embrace, her tousled hair and the disarrayed bedsheets a testament to their earlier passion. The scent of their shared desire hung in the air, blending with the warm, inviting aroma of the room.

With a loving smile, she reached down to lift Yeontan into the bed, her fingers gently caressing his furry head. The small dog wagged his tail with excitement, clearly delighted to be with his favorite humans amidst the sensual ambiance of their shared bedroom.

Taehyung chuckled at the sight of their furry companion, his eyes filled with affection for both Y/N and Yeontan. "I think someone wants to join our cuddle session," he said, his voice carrying a hint of playfulness.

Y/N snuggled Yeontan against her chest, reveling in the feeling of his warmth and soft fur. "He's just as much a part of this family as we are," she said, giving the dog a loving kiss on his head.

The room, bathed in the soft morning light, had an air of tranquility as Taehyung and Y/N snuggled together under the sheets, their entwined limbs and whispered affections creating an atmosphere of deep intimacy. Yet, their serene cocoon was briefly interrupted by a gentle knock on the door, signaling the presence of an unexpected visitor.

Taehyung, his affectionate gaze fixed on Y/N's eyes, called out with his usual grace, "Come in."

The door creaked open, and a maid from the palace entered with a respectful bow. She carried herself with an air of discretion, acutely aware of the situation in the room.

The maid entered the room with a graceful bow, acknowledging the presence of the royal couple. Her demeanor was respectful and composed as she addressed them.

"Your Highnesses," she said with a respectful bow, her voice carrying a tone of formality befitting her role. "The king and queen were wondering if you would be joining them for breakfast this morning and if so, when they can expect you."

As she awaited their response, the maid discreetly averted her eyes from the intimate scene that unfolded before her. Her professionalism remained unwavering despite the evident signs of the couple's recent passion. Y/N was still clad in one of Taehyung's shirts, and her neck bore the marks of their amorous encounters. The scent of their lovemaking lingered in the room, an unmistakable reminder of their intimate moments.

Taehyung exchanged a knowing glance with Y/N, and his voice was filled with warmth and assurance as he responded to the maid's inquiry. "We will be down for breakfast in approximately half an hour. Kindly inform the king and queen accordingly."

Taehyung, remembering something, spoke up, "Could you also bring an outfit for Y/N from her old room and the necessary toiletries?"

The maid, her demeanor a model of professionalism, bowed respectfully and responded to Taehyung's request. "Of course, Your Highness. I'll make the necessary arrangements without delay." Her tone was composed, and she maintained her composure, despite the intimate atmosphere in the room.

As the maid left the room, Taehyung pulled Y/N back into his arms. "I hope that wasn't too embarrassing," he said, his lips curling into a playful smile.

Y/N chuckled, her fingers tracing patterns on his chest. "Well, they know we're newlyweds. I'm sure they expected this sort of thing."

Taehyung leaned down to kiss her, his lips gentle and loving. "I'm just glad to have you by my side, Y/N. You make every moment special."

The discreet knock on the door came once more, and the same palace maid returned with Y/N's requested items. She carried a neatly folded outfit for Y/N and a toiletry set. Her professionalism remained intact, as she did her best to respect the royal couple's privacy.

"Your Highnesses, I have brought the items you requested," the maid said with a respectful bow, presenting the clothes and toiletries. She kept her eyes averted from the couple, displaying the same discretion she had shown earlier.

Taehyung and Y/N thanked the maid with a warm smile, appreciative of her efficient service. Once she left, they decided it was time to get up and prepare for the day.

Yeontan eagerly followed them into the bathroom, his small paws clicking on the tiles. As Taehyung and Y/N brushed their teeth together, they shared affectionate smiles, taking comfort in the simple yet intimate moments they spent together.

After finishing with their morning routines, Y/N applied makeup to discreetly cover the hickies on her neck. Taehyung watched her with a loving expression, his eyes filled with admiration for her beauty and grace. He couldn't help but reach out and gently caress her cheek, his touch tender and affectionate.

As Y/N got dressed in the outfit her maid had brought, she felt Taehyung's warm presence beside her, offering her a reassuring smile. "You look stunning, Y/N," he murmured, his voice filled with adoration.

Once they were ready for the day, Taehyung and Y/N left their bedroom, Yeontan in tow, and made their way to join the king and queen for breakfast, their love and affection for each other shining in their eyes

As they approached the dining room, Taehyung led the way, holding Y/N's hand. His touch was both reassuring and affectionate, a silent declaration of his love for her. Yeontan trotted beside them, his tiny paws making a soft clicking sound on the polished marble floors.

Upon entering the dining room, they found the king and queen already seated at the table, deep in conversation. The king rose from his chair and greeted them with a warm smile, gesturing for them to join.

"Good morning," he said, his eyes twinkling with affection. "I trust you had a restful night?"

Y/N's cheeks colored slightly, her memories of the passionate night still fresh in her mind. She gave a shy nod in response to the king's question, her eyes locked with Taehyung's for a moment, a silent acknowledgment of their shared intimacy.

With the king's permission, they took their seats at the table. Y/N chose a chair next to Taehyung, and as they settled in, he flashed his famous boxy smile at her, a look that conveyed both love and contentment.

Yeontan settled himself on the floor near their feet, his small tail wagging with excitement as he anticipated the meal to come.

Taehyung turned his attention to Yeontan, who was patiently waiting for his breakfast. With a warm and affectionate smile, Taehyung said, "Alright, little prince, let's get you fed."

He rose from his chair and walked over to Yeontan's designated spot. There, a food bowl and fresh water were waiting for the small dog. The food mat underneath was there to prevent any potential mess. Taehyung bent down and began to fill Yeontan's bowl with his morning meal, taking care to ensure his beloved pet would have a hearty breakfast.

As he poured the food, Taehyung playfully asked Yeontan, "Are you hungry today, my little prince?" He baby-talked to the dog, his voice filled with affection. "Yes, you are. Daddy will make sure you have a delicious meal."

After filling Yeontan's food bowl, Taehyung also gave him a loving kiss on the head and gently petted him. "There you go, buddy. Enjoy your breakfast," he said, his words filled with genuine care for their furry companion.

With Yeontan happily enjoying his meal, Taehyung returned to the table and took his seat beside Y/N. They all began to engage in conversation, talking about various topics, including Y/N's college education.

Y/N expressed her desire to continue her studies online, as she had been doing since the incident. She shared her plans and aspirations for the future, outlining her goals and the subjects she wanted to focus on.

The king and queen listened attentively, their support evident in their eyes. After a thoughtful discussion, they all agreed that Y/N should continue her education online, except when she had to take her final exams and participate in the graduation ceremony, which was planned for six months from now.

Taehyung's parents assured her that they would provide the necessary security and support for her during those in-person events. Y/N felt grateful for their understanding and commitment to her well-being.

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