Chapter 6: A Desperate Cry

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In the heart of the bustling school, Y/N's daily routine had become a harrowing ordeal. The relentless bullying by Jiyeon, Minji, and Joon had escalated to new heights, an unrelenting storm of cruelty that threatened to engulf her spirit.

This day, in particular, marked a descent into darkness that Y/N had never experienced before. It was as if the bullies had tapped into the deepest wells of their malice, determined to break her in every way possible.

It began in the morning, just as Y/N arrived at school. Jiyeon approached her with a chilling glint in her eyes. With a venomous smile, she hurled a barrage of insults at Y/N, each word a barb that pierced her heart.

"You're pathetic, Y/N," Jiyeon sneered. "Nobody likes you, and nobody ever will. You're just a burden on everyone."

Minji and Joon, Jiyeon's loyal followers, flanked her, their laughter a cruel chorus that mocked Y/N's existence. They joined in, unleashing a torrent of hateful words that echoed in Y/N's ears, each syllable cutting deeper than the last.

The torment continued throughout the day. In the crowded hallways, in the cafeteria, and even in the classroom, Jiyeon, Minji, and Joon made it their mission to torment Y/N relentlessly. They tripped her, spilled her lunch on purpose, and whispered degrading comments loud enough for others to hear.

But the climax of their cruelty occurred during gym class. Y/N found herself cornered in the locker room, the trio of bullies closing in on her like vultures circling their prey. The hateful words they spewed were like daggers, each thrust aimed at Y/N's already fragile self-esteem.

It was Joon who took it a step further, his aggression reaching a frightening crescendo. He shoved Y/N forcefully against a locker, his fists landing blows that left no room for doubt about his intent. Y/N cried out in pain as her wrist twisted unnaturally, the sharp snap of bone echoing in the small space.

The pain was excruciating, but it was nothing compared to the emotional torment Y/N endured. Tears streamed down her face as she begged them to stop, her pleas falling on deaf ears. Jiyeon, Minji, and Joon reveled in their cruelty, drunk on the power they held over their victim.

After what felt like an eternity, they finally departed, leaving Y/N crumpled on the locker room floor, her wrist throbbing with agony. She knew she had to hide, to escape their torment and the judgmental gazes of her classmates.

With trembling hands, she made her way to the restroom, the one place she hoped would provide a refuge from the tormentors. She locked herself in one of the stalls, her sobs echoing in the confined space.

As Y/N's tears flowed, her phone, a lifeline to a world beyond her tormentors, vibrated with a familiar message. Taehyung, as he always did during her lunchtime, had messaged her. The notification appeared on her screen, but she couldn't bring herself to respond.

📱 Tae: Hey, Y/N, how's your day going? 😊

But Y/N couldn't muster the strength to answer. She didn't want Taehyung to see her in this vulnerable state, to witness the pain and humiliation she was enduring. Instead, she left his messages unread, hoping he would understand her need for solitude.

Taehyung, on the other end of the conversation, had no way of knowing the depths of Y/N's suffering. Concern gnawed at him as he waited for her response. When minutes turned into an eternity, his worry deepened, and he decided to take a step he had never taken before.

He called her.

As the phone rang on Y/N's end, her heart pounded with anxiety. She hesitated for a moment, unsure of whether to answer. But when she saw Taehyung's name on the screen, a glimmer of hope broke through her despair.

Royal Messages: Love Beyond the Screen || Kim TeahyungHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin