Chapter 10: For a Friend

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The sun had risen lazily over Seoul on a crisp Saturday morning, painting the city in a warm, golden hue. While most college students enjoyed the luxury of a weekend free from classes, Taehyung found himself in a very different setting. He was at the royal training grounds, where Commander Namjoon had him engaged in rigorous martial training.

The training was meant to hone Taehyung's physical and mental skills, preparing him for the responsibilities that came with his position as the crown prince of Korea. However, on this particular morning, Taehyung's mind was anything but focused.

As he went through the motions of his training exercises, Taehyung couldn't help but find his thoughts drifting. Images of Y/N's smile, her laughter, and the sparkle in her eyes played like a reel of cherished memories in his mind.

Commander Namjoon, a stern and experienced mentor, noticed the distraction immediately. He had been training Taehyung long enough to recognize when something was amiss. Pausing their training, Namjoon regarded Taehyung with a raised eyebrow.

"Your Highness, you seem a bit preoccupied today," Namjoon observed, his voice carrying a hint of concern. "Is everything alright?"

Taehyung shook his head, trying to clear his thoughts. "I apologize, Commander. My mind wandered for a moment. I'll focus."

Namjoon, perceptive as ever, wasn't entirely convinced by Taehyung's response, but he decided to give him the benefit of the doubt and continued with the training.

They went through various drills and exercises, but Taehyung's concentration remained elusive. Finally, during a brief break, Taehyung couldn't contain his curiosity any longer. He turned to Namjoon, his voice hesitant.

"Commander, can I ask you a question?" Taehyung inquired, his eyes reflecting a genuine curiosity.

Namjoon raised an eyebrow, giving a nod of permission. "Of course, Your Highness. What's on your mind?"

Taehyung hesitated for a moment, choosing his words carefully. "How do you know if someone likes you, and... how do you make someone like you?"

Namjoon arched an eyebrow, surprised by the unexpected line of questioning. "Well," he began, "it depends on the person and the circumstances. There are usually signs, like increased attention, smiles, and genuine interest in your well-being. As for making someone like you, being genuine and kind often goes a long way."

Taehyung nodded, taking in Namjoon's advice. "I see, thank you, Commander. I was just wondering."

But before Namjoon could resume their training, Taehyung added hastily, "Oh, it's not for me, of course! It's for a friend."

Namjoon chuckled, seeing through Taehyung's attempt to divert attention from himself. "A friend, Your Highness? I see. Could you tell me more about this friend and the person they have feelings for? It might help me give better advice."

Taehyung blinked, realizing that he couldn't provide information about a "friend" because the friend in question was himself. He cleared his throat and began describing Y/N in intricate detail, his voice filled with genuine admiration and affection.

"Well, Commander, my friend," Taehyung began, his voice hesitant at first but gaining confidence with each word, "he's really, really fond of this girl."

Namjoon nodded encouragingly, his eyes attentive, allowing Taehyung to continue.

Taehyung's expression softened as he delved into the description. "She... she has the most captivating eyes, you know? One is a deep, warm brown that seems to hold all the wisdom of the world, and the other... well, the other is a mesmerizing shade of green, like a forest bathed in sunlight after a gentle rain. When you look into her eyes, it's as if you're seeing the most beautiful parts of nature."

Namjoon couldn't help but smile at Taehyung's vivid portrayal. It was clear that this description was not about a hypothetical friend's feelings but a reflection of Taehyung's own heart.

As Taehyung continued, his words flowed freely, as if he couldn't contain his admiration any longer. "And when she smiles, Commander, it's like the world lights up. Her smile is like a beacon of happiness that can chase away any darkness. It's infectious, really, and it can make even the gloomiest days feel brighter."

Namjoon's smile widened as he watched Taehyung speak with such genuine affection. It was evident that the Prince is describing someone he has feelings for.

Taehyung's enthusiasm was contagious, and he went on. "Her soul is as beautiful as her appearance," he confessed, his voice tinged with vulnerability. "She's not just outwardly kind and caring; her heart is pure, and her compassion knows no bounds. She's the kind of person you can't help but want to hug, to hold close and protect from the world."

Namjoon nodded in understanding. It was clear that Taehyung's feelings ran deep, and there was no doubt in the commander's mind that Taehyung was describing someone he deeply cared about, not just a friend's crush.

As the description of Y/N flowed from Taehyung's lips, it was impossible to ignore the emotion in his voice, the way his eyes sparkled with warmth, and the sincerity with which he spoke. It was a confession of love, unspoken but evident in every word.

"Your Highness," Namjoon said, his tone gentle, "it sounds like your 'friend' is quite taken with this girl. Perhaps your 'friend' should consider being honest with her about his feelings."

Taehyung's cheeks flushed with a mixture of embarrassment and hope. He knew that his charade had been uncovered, but Namjoon's understanding and support meant more to him than he could express.

In Y/N's cozy apartment, the morning sun bathed the room in a warm glow as she diligently studied her college materials. She had immersed herself in her books, trying to concentrate on her coursework despite the persistent thoughts of Taehyung that kept finding their way into her mind.

Hours passed, and Y/N finally closed her textbook with a sense of accomplishment. She stretched her arms and sighed contentedly, proud of her progress.

Feeling a sudden surge of courage, Y/N decided to text Taehyung. After all, they spend so much time together yesterday, and she found herself growing closer to him with each passing day.

📱 Y/N: Hey Tae, good morning. 😊

As she hit the send button, Y/N couldn't help but feel a flutter of anticipation. She wasn't sure why she suddenly felt so shy about texting him. Maybe it was because she had something specific in mind.

Taehyung's response came swiftly, as if he had been eagerly waiting for her message.

📱 Tae: Hey Y/N! 😄 What's up?

Y/N's heart skipped a beat at his words. She took a deep breath and typed her next message.

📱 Y/N: Well, I was wondering... Would you like to come over to my place tomorrow? We could hang out, maybe watch a movie or something.

She pressed send and anxiously awaited Taehyung's reply.

📱 Tae: That sounds amazing, Y/N! I'd love to come over and spend time with you. 😊

Y/N's face broke into a relieved smile as she read Taehyung's enthusiastic response. She had been worried about how he might react to her invitation, but it seemed he was genuinely excited about the idea.

📱 Y/N: Great! I'll prepare some snacks and pick out a movie. You can come over whenever it's convenient for you.

📱 Tae: Sounds perfect! I'm looking forward to it. Thanks for inviting me, Y/N.

Y/N felt a sense of warmth and happiness wash over her. It was a simple invitation, but it meant a lot to her. She liked spending time with Taehyung, and the thought of having him over at her place made her heart race, even though she hadn't fully realized the depth of her feelings yet.

As the day wore on, Y/N couldn't help but think about the upcoming day with Taehyung. She was excited about their hangout, but a part of her also felt a sense of nervousness she couldn't quite explain.

Little did she know that the day they would spend together would bring them even closer, and that the bond between them was growing stronger with each passing moment.

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