Chapter 20: Love's Resilience and the Pursuit of Justice

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As Taehyung held Y/N in his arms, his heart heavy with worry and love, the wailing sirens of an ambulance drew nearer. The paramedics, with their swift efficiency, rushed into the room, their faces registering concern as they saw the state Y/N was in.

Gently, they assessed her injuries and began administering immediate care. Taehyung, his grip on Y/N's hand unwavering, watched their every move, his eyes filled with a mixture of relief and anxiety.

Seokjin, after ensuring that Y/N was in capable hands, made a swift decision. He needed to inform Taehyung's parents of the distressing situation. With a sense of urgency, he left the college campus, making his way to the palace to deliver the grave news.

In the ambulance, Taehyung refused to let go of Y/N's hand. His touch provided her with a sense of comfort, a connection to the love and safety she had found in him. Tears welled up in his eyes as he whispered words of encouragement, willing her to wake up and be okay.

At the hospital, Y/N was rushed into the emergency room, where a team of doctors and nurses began their work to assess and treat her injuries. Her battered face and bruised body were carefully examined, and the medical professionals worked diligently to stabilize her condition.

As time passed, the news of the incident reached Taehyung's parents, the King and Queen of Korea. Their faces registered shock and concern as they were informed of the severity of the situation. With a team of loyal bodyguards, they swiftly made their way to the hospital, their hearts heavy with worry for their son and Y/N.

In the sterile, hushed environment of the hospital room, Taehyung's anxiety reached its peak as his parents arrived. His eyes were red and swollen, his face etched with worry, and he couldn't hold back the torrent of tears any longer. The moment he saw his parents, he broke down. The tears flowed freely, an expression of the fear and love that had been building within him.

His mother moved swiftly to envelop him in her arms, drawing him into a comforting embrace. She held him close, providing a safe space for his emotions to pour out. The soft rustle of her elegant gown and the soothing scent of her perfume provided a sense of familiarity and security in the midst of turmoil.

As Taehyung tried to speak, his voice was choked with emotion, and he couldn't form the words he longed to say. His mother understood his struggle and simply held him tighter, offering solace through her presence.

Taehyung's father, the King, approached his son and, with a gentle hand, began to pat his back. The King's touch conveyed both reassurance and strength, a silent reminder that their family would weather this storm together.

His mother spoke softly, her voice a gentle murmur against Taehyung's ear. "My dear, it's alright. Let the tears flow. We're here for you, and we'll make sure Y/N receives the best care. You don't have to carry this burden alone."

The King, his deep voice filled with unwavering support, added, "We will find out who is responsible for this, and justice will be served. But right now, our priority is Y/N's well-being. We're with you every step of the way."

As Y/N lay in her hospital room, her condition gradually stabilizing, the hospital staff began to put together the pieces of the puzzle. The arrival of the King and Queen, who were embracing the man who had been at the patient's side the whole time, piqued their curiosity.

In hushed discussions and discreet glances, the doctors and nurses started to connect the dots. The combination of Y/N's injuries, the presence of the man by her side, and the arrival of the King and Queen seemed to point to a momentous revelation.

Whispers and exchanged glances hinted at the growing realization that the young woman in their care might be none other than the fiancée of the crown prince. The fact that the man with her was receiving the Queen's embrace further solidified their suspicions.

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