Chapter 4: Beneath the Crown

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In the heart of the grand palace, Taehyung's day began like any other. The sun's first rays painted the sky in hues of orange and gold, casting a warm, inviting glow into his bedroom. The room itself was a masterpiece of elegance, adorned with rich tapestries, ornate furniture, and gilded accents that spoke of centuries of tradition.

Taehyung lays nestled beneath the covers, a soft comforter that seemed to envelop him in a cocoon of warmth. At his side, his loyal Pomeranian, Yeontan, lays curled up, his fluffy coat rising and falling with each gentle breath. Yeontan's presence was a constant source of comfort for Taehyung, a reminder of the simplicity and unconditional love that could be found in the midst of royal duties.

With a contented smile, Taehyung ruffled Yeontan's fur, earning an affectionate yawn from his furry companion. The bond they shared was unbreakable, a connection that transcended the palace's grandeur and the weight of his royal responsibilities.

As the sun continued its ascent, Taehyung reluctantly pushed back the covers and swung his legs over the edge of the bed. The floor, polished to a mirror-like sheen, felt cool against his feet. It was time to start the day, and the first order of business was breakfast with his parents, the King and Queen.

Taehyung's parents were loving and doting, showering him with affection behind the closed doors of their private chambers. But within the palace walls, protocol and decorum reigned supreme, and the royal couple bore the weight of their roles with grace and dignity.

As Taehyung entered the dining room, he found his parents already seated at the long, polished table. The King, his father, was a regal figure, his presence commanding respect and admiration. The Queen, his mother, radiated elegance and grace, her every movement a testament to her poise.

"Good morning, my dear," the Queen greeted Taehyung with a warm smile as he took his seat. "How did you sleep?"

"Good morning, Mother," Taehyung replied with a nod. "I slept well, thank you."

The King, while more reserved, offered a nod of acknowledgment as well. Breakfast proceeded with a sense of quiet solemnity, punctuated by the clinking of silverware and the occasional exchange of polite conversation.

As Taehyung reached for a slice of succulent melon, his phone vibrated with a message from Y/N, causing a subtle shift in his demeanor. The corners of his lips, which had previously maintained a polite and composed expression, curved upwards into a smile. It was a smile that could rival the brightness of the morning sun, a genuine and heartwarming display of joy.

His mother, perceptive and attuned to her son's every nuance, noticed the transformation. She raised a finely arched eyebrow, a silent question in her gaze. The King, too, observed the change in his son's countenance, his eyes filled with a quiet amusement.

The smile that graced Taehyung's face was unmistakably his trademark "boxy smile," a radiant expression that could light up even the grandest of palaces. It was a smile that held a touch of boyish charm, a reflection of the young man beneath the crown.

His parents noticed the subtle change in his demeanor, and his mother raised an eyebrow.

"Is something the matter, Taehyung?" she inquired, her tone gentle but curious.

Taehyung's boxy smile, a trademark of his, graced his lips as he quickly checked the message from Y/N. It was a simple greeting, but it had the power to brighten his morning.

Taehyung's parents exchanged a knowing glance as they observed their son's response. The Queen, always attuned to the nuances of her son's expressions, noted the faint blush that colored his cheeks. She leaned in slightly, her curiosity piqued but her demeanor still regal.

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