Chapter 2: The Relentless Torment

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The next day dawned over Seoul, and Y/N prepared for another day of college, her sanctuary still fresh in her mind. The cozy space she returned to each evening felt like a distant dream when confronted with the harsh reality of her daily life.

As she made her way to the college campus, Y/N couldn't help but reflect on the stark contrast between the world within her apartment and the world beyond its walls. In the heart of bustling Seoul, where dreams collided with the unforgiving demands of reality, she navigated the challenges of her academic journey with unwavering determination.

As Y/N entered the bustling hallway of the college, the noise of chattering students and ringing bells filled her ears. She kept her head down, focusing on the worn pages of her textbook, seeking solace in the knowledge she was gaining.

However, today would be different. Today, her sanctuary would be disrupted by the presence of those who made her college life a living nightmare. The principal's daughter, Jiyeon, was the ringleader of a group of bullies that had singled out Y/N for torment.

As Y/N walked through the bustling hallway, her heart sank when she spotted Jiyeon and her entourage approaching. Jiyeon led the group with an air of arrogance that seemed to demand the attention of everyone around them. Her designer clothes clung to her like a second skin, and her perfectly styled hair cascaded down her back in glossy waves. It was as if she had a spotlight following her wherever she went.

Jiyeon's two friends, Minji and Joon, were like shadowy extensions of her will, always in close proximity, their laughter ringing in her ears like a haunting melody. Minji was petite and exuded an aura of calculated cruelty, her eyes constantly darting around to gauge reactions. Joon, on the other hand, was tall and imposing, with a permanent scowl etched onto his face.

Y/N had learned through bitter experience that avoiding them was her best strategy for self-preservation. She had mastered the art of slipping into the shadows, becoming invisible to the predatory trio. But today, as she navigated the crowded hallway, escape was not an option.

Jiyeon had locked onto Y/N like a predator homing in on its prey. The moment her calculating eyes fell on Y/N, a wicked smile curled on her lips. She nudged Minji and Joon, who instantly fell in line behind her, their faces mirroring the same sinister glee.

Their approach was deliberate, each step resonating with an unspoken threat. Y/N could feel the eyes of her fellow students on her, some curious, some indifferent, and others too afraid to intervene. It was a cruel game, a twisted performance where Y/N was always the target.

As Jiyeon's group closed in on her, Y/N's heart raced, her grip on her textbooks tightening with anxiety. She knew what was coming, but she braced herself for the onslaught, determined not to let them see her weakness.

"Look who's here, everyone!" Jiyeon announced loudly, her voice dripping with sarcasm. "It's our little orphan with the mismatched eyes. What a freak!"

The cruel words echoed in the crowded hallway, drawing the attention of curious onlookers. Y/N clenched her fists, trying to maintain her composure. She had endured their taunts for far too long.

Minji and Joon flanked Jiyeon, snickering and casting disdainful glances in Y/N's direction. Jiyeon, however, was not content with just words. She extended her foot, tripping Y/N, causing her to stumble and drop her textbooks.

Y/N's face reddened with humiliation, and she quickly bent down to collect her scattered books. It wasn't just the verbal abuse that hurt; it was the physical bullying, the bruises that often lingered as a reminder of their cruelty.

The trio, led by Jiyeon, intensified their torment as they closed in on Y/N. Jiyeon's manicured nails dug into Y/N's shoulder as she gave her a forceful shove, causing Y/N to stumble backward. The hallway seemed to shrink around her, and the jeering laughter of bystanders echoed in her ears.

Minji and Joon, their faces twisted with malicious glee, joined in. Minji aimed a sharp kick at Y/N's shin, making her wince in pain. Joon, with a devious grin, aimed a punch at her side, leaving a sharp throb in its wake.

Tears welled up in Y/N's mismatched eyes, but she bit her lip to stifle any cries of pain. She refused to give them the satisfaction of seeing her tears. Her heart raced, and she could feel the bruises forming where their blows had landed.

As Jiyeon continued her verbal assault, Y/N could taste the bitterness of humiliation in her mouth. She wanted to fight back, to stand up for herself, but she knew that showing weakness would only make things worse. She had seen it happen before - any sign of vulnerability only fueled their cruelty.

Y/N's hands clenched into fists at her sides, her knuckles white from the force of her grip. She took deep, steadying breaths, summoning every ounce of inner strength to endure the torment.

The bystanders, a mix of silent witnesses and those who found amusement in her suffering, did nothing to intervene. Fear of Jiyeon's wrath had silenced them all, leaving Y/N to face this ordeal alone.

It felt like an eternity, but eventually, Jiyeon and her friends grew tired of their cruel game. They exchanged triumphant glances and walked away, leaving Y/N battered and bruised in the hallway, a fragile figure who had weathered yet another storm of cruelty.

But she knew why no one ever did. They were all afraid of Jiyeon, the principal's daughter, and the power and influence that came with her name. The students, the teachers, even the security guards, turned a blind eye to her torment, for fear of reprisal.

With trembling hands, Y/N managed to gather her belongings and pull herself together. She couldn't let them break her spirit. She couldn't let them win. With a determination born of years of hardship, she wiped away her tears and continued on her way to class.

As she arrived in the classroom, the ache of her bruises a constant reminder of the bullies' cruelty, she took her seat in the back, trying to blend into the background. Today was just another day in a long line of days where she felt utterly alone, invisible to the world around her.

Lunchtime arrived, and Y/N found herself sitting alone in the college cafeteria, her tray of food hardly touched. The events of the morning still weighed heavily on her mind, but she had become adept at masking her emotions. She didn't want anyone to see how deeply the bullying affected her.

As she picked at her food, her phone vibrated, and a message from Tae appeared on the screen:

📱 Tae: Hey, Y/N! How's your day going so far? 😊

A small smile crept onto her face as she read his message. Tae's messages had become a bright spot in her otherwise dreary days. She quickly replied:

📱 Y/N: Hi, Tae! It's been a bit rough, but I'm hanging in there. How about you?

📱 Tae: I'm doing well, thanks for asking! Just busy with some work stuff. 😅

Y/N felt a pang of curiosity about Tae's mysterious job, but she resisted the urge to pry further. Instead, she decided to share a bit of her day:

📱 Y/N: Yeah, college can be tough sometimes. But it's nice to have someone to talk to during lunch.

📱 Tae: I'm glad I can keep you company, Y/N. 😄

Their conversation continued, meandering through various topics. They talked about their favorite books, shared funny anecdotes, and even discussed their dreams for the future. Y/N was amazed at how easy it was to open up to Tae, despite the secrecy surrounding his identity.

After a while, Y/N glanced at the time on her phone and realized that lunch break was coming to an end. She sighed inwardly, wishing she could stay lost in the warmth of their conversation.

📱 Y/N: Tae, I hate to cut this short, but I have to head to my next class. College life, you know?

📱 Tae: Of course, Y/N. Education comes first! 😉 Take care, and we'll chat later.

📱 Y/N: Definitely! Looking forward to it. Bye, Tae! 😊

With a bittersweet smile, Y/N reluctantly ended the conversation with Tae and packed up her things. As she made her way to her next class, she couldn't help but feel a sense of gratitude for the unexpected friendship that had blossomed in the digital realm. It was a small but precious light in her life, one that gave her the strength to face the challenges that awaited her in the real world.

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