Chapter 18: Defiance and Dignity

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The evening at the royal palace had turned into a magical night of celebration. Taehyung and Y/N, the newly engaged couple, had shared their joy with Kyungsoo and Hyejin, who had been in on the plan all along.The royal couple had supported their son's desire to propose to the woman he loved in a way that was unique and meaningful to them.

After congratulating the couple and expressing their happiness at the engagement, the King and Queen had important matters to discuss. The decision was made that Taehyung and Y/N would return to college the following day. However, there was a new addition to their plan. The royal couple had decided to assign an undercover bodyguard to accompany them.

This bodyguard would discreetly ensure Y/N's safety and put a stop to any bullying she might face, especially from Jiyeon, Minji, and Joon. The safety of their son's beloved was of paramount importance to the King and Queen.

Taehyung and Y/N agreed to this plan, understanding that the King and Queen's concern for Y/N's well-being was genuine. They were also instructed to be extra careful to not reveal their true identities to anyone at college. The risk of danger was a very real concern, and maintaining their cover was essential.

As the evening progressed, the royal couple announced to the kingdom the joyous news of their son's engagement and the discovery of his princess. The announcement was made on various social media sites, creating a buzz of excitement and congratulations from the people of Korea.

The palace staff worked tirelessly to ensure that the announcement was made smoothly, and the world learned of Taehyung's love for Y/N. The engagement was mostly met with a flood of well-wishes and support.

The next morning Y/N and Taehyung carefully got dressed in casual attire, trying to keep their status under wraps. They were determined to blend in as university students, away from the prying eyes of the palace. Taehyung wore a simple pair of jeans and a hoodie, while Y/N donned a stylish but understated outfit.

As they stepped outside of the palace, they were greeted by Jung Hoseok, and Kim Seokjin, who was going to be their undercover bodyguard in university. Seokjin looked just like another friend of theirs in his casual attire, ready to provide protection discreetly.

They all exchanged smiles and greetings, and the group made their way to the car. It was a sleek and inconspicuous vehicle that didn't reveal their royal status. Y/N and Taehyung got into the backseat, with Seokjin in the front.

Jiyeon and her friends, Minji and Joon, had been gossiping in the college courtyard when they noticed a sleek and expensive car pull up near the entrance.

As the car's doors opened, the trio couldn't help but be intrigued. They watched with growing curiosity as Y/N, who had always been the target of their bullying, stepped out of the car. She was accompanied by two handsome young men, one of whom was Taehyun.

The third man was unknown to Jiyeon, Minji, and Joon, which only fueled their curiosity further. They exchanged glances, their hushed whispers suggesting that this was a rare and intriguing development.

Jiyeon's curiosity soon turned into a smoldering desire to know more about this sudden change in Y/N's circumstances. The appearance of the luxurious car and the presence of two attractive men by Y/N's side stirred a mix of envy and resentment within her.

Jiyeon and her friends, Minji and Joon, couldn't resist the opportunity to gossip and spread disparaging remarks about Y/N. They gathered in a small huddle, their voices carrying venomous words.

Jiyeon, with a sly grin, remarked loudly, "Did you see that? Y/N is showing up with not one, but two handsome guys. She's clearly a gold digger, and we all know what that means."

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