Chapter 15: Confession over Dinner

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As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting a warm golden glow across Seoul, Taehyung lovingly bid Y/N goodbye at her doorstep. Their day together had been filled with laughter, affection, and deepening love. Taehyung couldn't help but smile as he watched Y/N, the woman who had captured his heart, retreat into her cozy apartment.

With a heart brimming with happiness, Taehyung made his way to his car. As he drove through the bustling streets of Seoul, he couldn't shake the feeling of contentment that enveloped him. He knew that his life had changed in ways he could have never imagined when he first messaged Y/N as "Tae."

Upon arriving home at the grand palace, Taehyung made his way to his room. He knew that it was time to change into more prince-like attire, shedding the casual clothes he had worn during his day with Y/N. The weight of his royal responsibilities began to settle upon him, but he couldn't help but feel grateful for the love and joy Y/N had brought into his life.

As he stood before the mirror, adjusting the buttons on his finely tailored outfit, Taehyung's thoughts drifted back to the pivotal moment when he had revealed his true identity to Y/N. He couldn't help but smile at the memory of her shock, quickly followed by understanding and acceptance. Their connection had only deepened since then, and Taehyung cherished every moment he spent with her.

Taehyung's parents were astute and perceptive. They had raised their son and knew him better than anyone else. As they sat together at the dinner table, Taehyung's persistent smile did not go unnoticed. His mother, in particular, couldn't help but notice the almost dreamy look in his eyes.

His mother, Queen Hyejin, exchanged a knowing glance with her husband, King Kyungsoo. They had a silent understanding that something significant was occupying their son's thoughts.

"Taehyung," his mother began gently, her voice filled with warmth and curiosity, "you seem unusually happy tonight. Is there something on your mind that you'd like to share?"

Taehyung's initial response was to downplay his emotions. He tried to brush off his mother's inquiry with a casual, "Oh, it's nothing, Mom. Just had a good day."

However, his parents could see through his attempt to deflect the conversation. They knew that their son was not one to wear his heart on his sleeve, so when he showed such overt signs of happiness, it piqued their interest.

King Kyungsoo, always the more pragmatic one, joined the conversation. "Taehyung, you know you can talk to us about anything. If something is bringing you joy, we'd like to hear about it."

Taehyung squirmed in his seat, feeling the weight of his parents' expectations and his own internal struggle. He had always been a dutiful son, aware of the responsibilities that came with being the crown prince. But now, with Y/N in his life, he faced a dilemma between tradition and his heart's desires.

His mother leaned forward, her gaze unwavering, and her tone gentle but insistent. "Taehyung, you've been wearing that smile since you came home. We can tell something is different. Please, share with us what's making you so happy."

Taehyung's hesitation was palpable, but he couldn't keep the secret any longer. With a shy and bashful expression, he finally confessed, "I have a girlfriend."

His mother's eyes widened with surprise, and his father raised an eyebrow. They exchanged a knowing glance, realizing that their son had found love.

Taehyung's mother leaned forward, her eyes filled with genuine curiosity and excitement. She couldn't wait to hear more about the woman who had captured her son's heart.

With a fond smile, Taehyung began to describe Y/N in more detail, wanting to paint a vivid picture of the woman he had fallen deeply in love with.

"Her name is Y/N," he began, his voice softening with affection. "She has the most enchanting heterochromia, Mom. One of her eyes is a warm, comforting brown, like the rich earth beneath our feet. The other is a mesmerizing emerald green, like the leaves of a lush forest after a spring rain."

His mother nodded, captivated by the imagery. "She sounds truly unique, Taehyung."

"She is," he continued with a tender expression. "Y/N has this smile that can light up the darkest of days. It's like the sun breaking through the clouds after a storm, Mom. And her laughter... it's the sweetest melody I've ever heard. When she laughs, it feels like all the worries in the world just disappear."

His mother's eyes softened with understanding as she listened to her son's heartfelt description. She could sense the depth of his feelings for Y/N.

Taehyung went on to share more about Y/N's personality. "She's incredibly kind, Mom, and she has a heart that's bigger than the universe. Y/N is passionate about literature, and her knowledge and love for books are boundless. She's a senior in college, majoring in literature, and she aspires to become a writer one day."

His parents were eager to meet the woman who had captured their son's heart. "We must meet her soon," his mother insisted.

With a hopeful glint in his eyes, Taehyung asked, "When would you both have time to meet Y/N? Can we invite her to the palace soon?"

His parents exchanged a warm smile. "Whenever she can make it," they agreed.

Taehyung's face lit up with excitement. "How about tomorrow then? Would that be fine?"

His father, ever the pragmatist, reminded Taehyung of his duty as the crown prince. "Remember, Taehyung, you'll have to propose soon. It's part of our tradition."

Taehyung nodded, his heart filled with determination. He knew that he wanted Y/N to be his queen one day.

As they continued their meal, his parents inquired about how he and Y/N had met. Taehyung shared the story of their unlikely connection, the bullying Y/N had endured, and his decision to enroll in college under the alias Kim Taehyun to protect her.

It was clear that their hands were tied for the time being. The fact that Jiyeon, one of Y/N's bullies, was the principal's daughter made it a delicate situation. But as the King and Queen exchanged glances across the table, there was an unspoken understanding between them. They were resolute in their commitment to take action once Y/N became part of the royal family.

The King broke the silence, his voice carrying the weight of his authority. "We may not be able to do much at this moment, Taehyung, but rest assured, once Y/N is part of this family, we will ensure that justice is served."

The Queen nodded in agreement, her eyes softening with a mother's compassion. "We will protect her as if she were our own."

Once in his room, Taehyung decided to give Y/N a call. He knew that she was probably still processing the idea of meeting his parents, and he wanted to reassure her.

Dialing her number, he waited anxiously for her to pick up. After a few rings, Y/N's voice came through the phone, filled with a mix of excitement and nervousness.

"Hello?" she said, her voice slightly quivering.

"Hey, it's me," Taehyung replied with warmth in his tone. "I wanted to talk to you about something."

Y/N's curiosity was piqued. "What is it, Tae?"

Taehyung took a deep breath, trying to find the right words. "I spoke to my parents about you, and they really want to meet you. They suggested tomorrow, if you're free."

Y/N's heart skipped a beat. Meeting Taehyung's parents was a significant step, and she felt a mixture of excitement and anxiety. "Tomorrow? Are you sure, Tae? I mean, I'm just me, and they're royalty."

Taehyung's voice was reassuring. "Princess, you're not 'just' anything to me. You're my girlfriend, and my parents want to meet the incredible woman who's made me so happy. They'll adore you, I promise."

Y/N couldn't help but smile, her worries beginning to fade. "Alright, Tae. If you're sure, then I'm willing to meet them. But I have to admit, I'm nervous."

Taehyung chuckled softly. "Don't be nervous, princess. Just be yourself. They'll see what I see in you."

Y/N's heart warmed at his words. "Thank you, Tae. I'll be ready tomorrow."

Taehyung continued to reassure her, "I'll come to pick you up, alright? We'll go together, and you won't have to worry about a thing."

Y/N felt a sense of comfort and security in Taehyung's words. "That sounds wonderful, Tae. I'll be looking forward to it."

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