the grudge

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My undying love, now,
I hold it like a grudge
And I hear your voice every time
that I think I'm not enough

My undying love, now, I hold it like a grudgeAnd I hear your voice every time that I think I'm not enough

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Dreaming of her wasn't a rare occurrence. He dreamed of her often—even more now.

But those dreams usually took him back to the moments before she fell, desperately holding onto that ledge. Or sometimes they brought him back to a memory of the two of them.

His own brain taunting him with what they used to have.

But now, instead of seeing that familiar dark chasm, he saw a snowy field, the sun slipping below the horizon in the distance.

Lying in the center of the field were two people—a boy and girl.

The boy was tall and muscular, his broad shoulders. His eyes and hair were both a shade of brown, and he had olive toned skin.

The girl was what made Percy do a double take.

Her hair was ice-white, providing practically no contrast to her pale skin. She was much smaller in comparison to the boy. Shorter and slimmer. Her icy blue eyes stared up at the sky with a cloudy look—lost in thought.


He could tell she was much younger than him. Not just from her tinier frame, but from the fullness of her cheeks and the brightness of her eyes.

"Are you excited?" The boy asked her. His voice was much gruffer than Percy had expected.

Cassie didn't even seem to process what he had said. "Hmm?"

"Are you excited?" The boy repeated.

"Sorry" She muttered, and shook her head slightly to clear the haze from her eyes. "Yes, I'm excited."

The boy's smile grew. "We're going to be great, Sandra. When all of this is done, we'll be as well known as Heracles."

Hearing him call her Sandra seemed so alien, Percy almost expected her to correct him, but she didn't.

She just nodded, and added, "We can prove the gods wrong. Be more well known."

"That's the spirit" The boy said, his grin growing even more.

This boy was clearly fooled by her voice, that he hadn't even bothered to look at her face.

The face that seemed wary. Cautious. Unsure.

Like maybe she didn't want to be famous.

Cassie turned her head to look at the boy, who was still happily staring at the sky, and that expression turned to one Percy recognized all too well.

The expression she had when she was looking at him. The expression Drew and Annabeth called "heart eyes".

"Sandra?" The boy asked.

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