v. happy the dragon

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"you want us to ride off to save the world on happy the dragon?"

Cassandra truly wasn't sure what she had ever done to Hypnos and Morpheus to make them hate her so much.

After lying awake for and staring at the darkness with a horrible headache for hours, she was finally able to sleep. And transported to the world of dreams.

Well, the land of nightmares.

A chill ran down her spine, when she saw the white marble walls. After taking a better look around, her worries we're confirmed.

She was in her grandfathers castle.

"The child is dangerous" A voice said. She could only see the back of their head. But it looked like her grandfather. "Zeus is not going to be happy."

"I don't care what Zeus thinks" The regal voice of her mother responded. "It's not like I could control it."

"Khione" Boreas said sternly. "You knew what you were doing when you were impregnated by a demigod."

"I didn't know what he was" Her mother protested. "And besides, there are no rules restricting a goddess and a demigod from having a child together."

"He'll kill her" Boreas said quietly. "This... it isn't right, Khione. It defy's the rules of nature."

"Then he kills her" She replied. "It's not like I care."

Boreas sighed. "I will not have you endangering this kingdom. When Zeus finds out—and he will—you are the one who is going to deal with it."

"Fine, father" The goddess relented. "Now, if you'll excuse me, the baby is crying."

"You haven't done that girl any favors!" Boreas called after her. "If anything, you've made her life harder!"

Khione paused and turned around to face her father. "That sounds like something she'll have to deal with."

Snow swirled, and the image changed. She was still in the castle, but now she was in a different room.

Her mother stood by a crib made of ice. She looked annoyed, as she shushed a small baby in her arms.

Her. The baby was her.

"Zeus" Her mother mused. She turned around to face the king of the gods. "To what do I owe the pleasure?"

Zeus scowled. "Did you truly think that this would fly under my radar? Did you truly think I wouldn't find out?"

"I didn't think anything" Her mother said innocently. "I simply haven't had the time. It's hard work. Raising a child. Although, I guess you wouldn't know. You leave that task to the women, right?"

"This isn't a joke, Khione" Zeus told her. "Do you understand how many problems this has created?"

"No. I'm a minor goddess, remember? We're never really let in on anything important."

"Is this your way of rebellion?" He asked. "Creating a power imbalance?"

"No, of course not" The goddess assured. She set the now sleeping baby down in its crib. "I didn't realize that it would be such a huge problem."

He glared at her. "You know very well, that demigods are off limits."

"I didn't know that he was a demigod" Khione explained. "And even if I did, there isn't any rule that says a goddess can't have a child with a demigod."

"Because it hasn't been done before!" Zeus shouted. He wanted to go on, but paused to make sure the baby hadn't woken up. When he confirmed that she was still asleep, he returned to a normal volume. "This is the reason we don't have children with demigods."

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