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Thomas opened his eyes but immediately groaned from pain as the light hurt his eyes.

He rubs his eyes and tries to stand up.

Why is he in front of his apartment?


Thomas stood up with difficulty and looked around. All he can find is a student back running away from him.

He clicks his tongue.

He is half naked and his body is full of hair. He is wearing boxer shorts.

He came home drunk.

He was preparing to sleep when he heard someone opening his door.

He angrily walks out and finds Cloud trying to escape again.

"You bastard!"

But he missed a step and hit his head over the door and that's all he can remember.

"I will kill that bastard. Cloud! Cloud! Did you fucking think I won't hit you again?" He walks inside the apartment trying to find his son but he can't find him.

"Fuck. He tried to leave again." He takes a shower and cleans his face. Wear respectable work clothes. And comb his curly hair.

He looks decent now.

He clenched the comb on his hand.

"I'll let you know not to mess with me again." He angrily snorted.




He didn't particularly look for Cloud. He went to work and acted in distress so the people would know he had a problem but he refused to say what.

When his boss called him, he looked very distracted.

"My son runs away." He was full of tears.

"Ever since his mother died, I can't understand him anymore. He keeps rebelling. He told people I hurt him and refused to feed him but he is my only son. How can I hurt him?"

"Children are like that so their parents will notice them. Your son is probably scared to lose you too. Spend more time with him. How about this, you go home and look for him."

"Boss, thank you."

Thomas left early. There is only one place that boy can go.

"My goodness!" Hilda flinched when the front door was kicked open.

"Where is he? Cloud! Come here you fucking bastard!"

"What are you doing? Get out! Who told you that you can just waltz in here when you want?" Hilda angrily faced him despite the difference in height.

"Shut up, just bring Cloud out!"

"Cloud is not here." The older woman looks at him angrily but composed.

"Hah! You family of liars. This is why your family was full of bitches!"

"That is enough! Cloud is not here. And even if he is, I will not hand over my nephew to you!"



"Hilda!" The children start crying seeing their mom slapped so badly she started to cry. Her face is reddened and she has a hard time breathing.

"Bastard!" The elderly angrily stood up and due to her health condition, she sat again. Her knees are shaking as she points at the man.

"Bastard! Bastard!"

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