The Reason

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"Chandler, this is my son Cloud." Adelio said as he lowered his pouty lips to kiss Cloud's forehead but Cloud pressed his fist on his lips angrily.

"A son?" Chandler looks at Adelio and then at Cloud.

Adelio stands properly rubbing his lips.

"Yeah. But right now he is just some child who is insisting I am his father. We still need dna test."

Cloud blushes.

"What is really happening?" Chandler feels like Adelio is considering this issue as light hearted.

Adelio smiles.

"I'll tell you later."

Adelio went to the head maid. He wanted to clean a room near Chandler's original room.

While he is busy instructing them.

Chandler and Cloud have time to be alone.

" him?" Cloud asks, feeling weird.

"Hm?" Chandler doesn't know how to say it. His relationship with Adelio is purely physical.

"He said he will take care of me."

Cloud looks down.

'Was it because of what I did?'

He never considered what he was doing was wrong before. He gives Chandler support and uses him at the same time. But so what? He is his employee and he is paying him to do it. But many people said that if not for him, Chandler's life would be way different.

"They will arrange your room. You know where to find me if you need something else."

Adelio said as he slipped one his hand to touch Chandler's side and then put his chin over Chandler's shoulder as he looked at Cloud.

Cloud snorts.

"I want a new phone and computer.. I need to spend money too. Give me a card. I need a dedicated driver and will use a car of my own choice."

Chandler was shocked.

'This kid is more demanding than a sugar baby.'

"How much do you want for your spending money?" Adelio asks.

"50 Million is alright."

"Okay. I'll tell Damon to transfer money to you.Is that all?"Adelio nods. The money was Adelio's hard earned money. It doesn't matter to him giving him back some of it.

"For now." Cloud nods, satisfied.

He had guessed it but Adelio had no greed. He did hold back half his property but it was understandable. Given this opportunity to others, he would probably have died by now already.

But that is also a problem.

He felt unease to let someone who has no greed handling his company. But he was helpless right now. Nobody will believe him. And if he insists, he might even get accused of being crazy.

He'll just use some money to venture some business opportunity for assurance.

"Okay, let's have dinner. Our first family dinner!" Adelio smiles.

Cloud flinched.

The word family is so foreign to him.

"I'll sleep first. I'm not hungry."

But Adelio pulls him, not caring even if he refuses.

"Come on,come on."

"You are so pushy!" Cloud angrily shouted.

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