Main Antagonist

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A teenager without much thought in his life as he solely relies on his parents for a living and his greatest worry is how to not fail any exam while still able to play around-transmigrated in a Boy's Love Web novel as the major antagonist.

"I still can't believe it. I used to read transmigrated novels but usually the transmigrator will be younger while I was purposely turning into a 30 year old man." He looks at the mirror and marbles his body. He was in an in-house gym all alone. The man in front of him is BL's main antagonist but not as a love rival. He was a businessman with 10 zero's worth in his bank account or more. He was an extremely rich person who will do his best to make sure the main protagonist will not become famous.

And he does it so sloppily that reader's were so mad at how low his IQ is.

Why would people think the main antagonist has low to none IQ is not because he is the antagonist and it was normal to root for the main protag, the reason is the main antagonist reason for targeting the main protag.... It's because the main protag didn't accept his offer to work for him and still become famous anyways.

His pride was wounded-says the book as it explained this illogical reason.

So he uses his money and influence to make sure the protag will have a harder time climbing up. This made the love interest discover the main protag. In a way, he is their wing man.

Both main antagonist and Love interest are from wealthy backgrounds and though they are not particularly close, they are in the same circle and their influences are almost equal.

The Love interest is handsome, happy-go-lucky unlike the main antagonist. He has been in many short term relationships but he has never kept any of them.

When he found out the main antagonist's obsession toward the Main protag, he was curious.

'Why is he so determined to put this guy out?'

He thought.

After all, even the movie King or the most famous artists can not become as influential as them from a better background. And in terms of wealth, they can't possibly be the same as a wage worker even with their fame.

So what makes someone who was considered the same as him, be so serious about this not-even-famous new artist?

-The readers have the same thought.

Why are you so petty?

Some had a theory that the main antagonist actually has feelings for the main protagonist but it never showed in the story. Not even a slight romance. Just pure anger and obsession, a very toxic emotion.

And on top of this, Main antagonist even ruined someone's life because of this weird obsession of his.

The main cannon fodder.

The main cannon fodder debuted a year after the main protag. They have both different genres they are good at.

Main protag acts as a cute, refreshing and sweet heartthrob and was mainly acting in romance and dramas. While main cannon fodder has a more serious vibe and he has a more mature fan base. Though he still can act as a happy-go-lucky young man in his early teens. He was best in more cultural, mature and cool roles. They are both in the same generation but their target audience are completely different. Until Main antagonist makes his plan and uses main cannon fodder to match the main protag.

It was alright at first since the main cannon fodder is really good at acting. But it becomes overboard when he starts blatantly copying the main antagonist which is very unfavorable to his career.

His fans start to question him.

But he never says anything and continues struggling.

Main cannon fodder was an illegitimate child. Though he was an illegitimate child, he secretly met with his half sister and was very close to her.

They never become a family in other people's eyes but to him and her, they are.

Their connection to each other was a secret and they keep it that way.

When he was starting acting career. His sister had an accident. She was in a coma never knowing when he would wake up.

Their father has a small company and they are relatively wealthy, or so he thought. He found out his father was in debt. After finding out about his debt, his wife collapses and passes away due to heart failure.

The problem never stops.

Main cannon fodder wants to quit acting and find a better and more stable job to help pay his sister's hospital bills but a big offer came and he took it without thinking. That is the start of his years of slavery under Main antagonist.

At first he was thankful. Not only is the offer making him able to financially relax, he was given an impression that the management thinks highly of him.

All his works are top notch and he has a capable manager. But somehow, the boss starts using him to pressure a star in another company. If he only uses him wisely, he could have a better result but he made him feel like a cheaper imitation of that said artist that ruined his career. He can't leave as he signed a 10 year contract.

A few years and he was completely trashed.

Even his former fans become so sick of his underhanded copying.

He continued to do what he can using his acting skill but there are limitations to what a star like him with zero influence can do.

Until his father collapsed and died from stress. And he can't afford to support his sister anymore as no more big roles come to him. The money he got from his 10 year contract was never enough.

After he was forced to pull the plug that was supporting his sister's life, he killed himself.

It was a tragic ending for a cannon fodder.

Many readers felt strong injustice for him.

Why does the author make him experience something so horrible? He was not even the main protag so he doesn't need such a background. And on top of that, the poor thing killed himself.

They really hated the main antagonist but they hated him even more after that.

I am alone for two days and three nights so I made a new BL story. Sorry but not sorry hahahahahhahahahahha
I have free time so let's gooooooo

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