Packed Lunch

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"Maybe I came here to save the main cannon fodder?!" He said seriously. "The cannon fodder is so cool that if not for his father and sister's death, he would never try to kill himself despite all people cursing over him. He remains cool, serious and handsome! He never talks back to those angry mobs and despite calling him names, nobody can talk shit about his professionalism and his acting skill. If not for a water brain like the main antagonist, he will surely be a super star!"

He nods.

He looks at himself in the mirror and flexes his arms.

"Whoa. This guy even has time to work out when his brain is full of sinister ideas."

He rubs his belly and becomes curious. Lifted his shirt to see a thin waist and a beautiful 6 pack.

"Daym!" He felt his body heating up and he covered himself feeling embarrassed.

"I'm so handsome and cool." He whispers and giggles to himself.

He takes a tour around his mansion.

There are many rooms. There are housemaids too and even paid professional chefs for his meals. He was amazed.

The whole third floor was his room. It was one room floor divided into different sections.

He was stumped and couldn't believe how different imagination is to the actual rich people. A room full of designer clothes, a room full of casual attires. Everything was on top of the line. It's like seeing someone use money to make a fire. It feels nonsense but it also feels good for his soul.

"I can get used to this. I have a lot of money, what should I do? Should I buy cars? Or houses? Or Restaurants? What would rich people do with so much money?" He felt like drooling.

As he walks in his walk-in closet with only an open white robe,naked as a child, feeling pretty good at his marbled new body, he receives a call.

He became scared.

"What should I do? I am not good at remembering names. Damon? His name even sounds like a demon. Who is he in the novel? Would he realize I'm a fake if I said something wrong?" The more he thinks, the more he feels scared.

The phone stops ringing. He felt relieved but the phone started ringing again. A whole new anxiety kicks in. He keeps moving around the walk-in closet like an ant in a hot frying pan.

The call stops again. But then the phone rings again.

"Okay. This is a golden rule. If someone is calling three times in a row, it means it was an emergency. I should pick up. No matter what, as long as I pretend to forget, they don't have a choice to believe it. Okay, relax.. breath in...breath out..."

He grabs the phone. Swallow and then accept the call.


"Boss, I'm calling to ask when are you arriving at the company? Is there going to have any changes in our agenda for today?"

"Ah! Damon! Yes. Yes. You are the secretary."

".....Yes. I am your secretary."

There is a monotone sound on the other line.

Adelio feels relieved because he knows Damon's character. Though he isn't good at remembering names. He is good at remembering story plots. Main antagonist secretary is a very competent man. He is one of the reasons that the main antagonist never went bankrupt despite him fooling around.

But in the ending of the novel, he betrayed the main antagonist because of how poorly he was treated. He became the new secretary of the love interest and helped the main protag a lot. He has never smiled in the whole story until that moment when he finally found a boss who would appreciate him.

He felt emotional.

If not for his arrogance and self centeredness. How can Damon betray his boss? He stayed with him for 12 years before he betrayed him. It shows how patient Damon was.

"Damon, thank you for everything!" He felt the need to thank Damon personally. When he was reading, he sent a comment to thank him for his effort. Now that he is talking to the real person, he should be more sincere.

Adelio looks at his phone and sees that the call is still connected. It's just nobody is speaking.


"This is my job. There is no need to thank me."

"Oh...ohh...I still need to thank you."

"Hm...General meeting at 10am. Please be on time." The call ended.

He sighs.

"Since I am Adelio now. I should keep Damon beside me. I don't know anything about business. I might go bankrupt and beg on the street!" He said, grabbing his hair. "Oh wait,I have a High School diploma. I don't have to beg on the street. But no. That's wrong thinking. I should keep the most capable people around me and let them think for me. Yes! I have money now but I am not confident I can keep it with my ability. So let's just do what smart people think. Wow. I think I become smarter after transmigration. Oh wait..." he looks at the mirror. And made a heart shape. "Maybe I am a genius."

He felt cringed so he walked out the walk-in closet after putting on a suit. He doesn't know how to tie his necktie despite seeing a simple tutorial on the net.

"I apologize to those geniuses. I'm really just a monkey who talks to humans."

He said give up on the neck tie and walked out the door.

"Mom, what's for breakfast?"

He looks at the older woman who walks to him with a cup of coffee. She froze up. He also froze.

"Ehem...what's for breakfast?"

"Are you going to eat breakfast? I will ask the kitchen to prepare it. What do you want to eat?"

The older woman asks.

"Um...Surprise me." He said confidently. But when the woman walks out, he feels so embarrassed.

First, he called her mom.

Second, what is he ordering from a restaurant?

He felt like he could literally die from cringed.

But he didn't and he was able to eat such a nice expensive breakfast. It was sausage, bacon, with 2 sunny side up eggs and toasted bread. The coffee was black so he asked the maid for milk and sugar.

He was able to finish the food that looked so big at first. He wants to burp but the maid is still there. He covers his mouth with a table napkin to cover the loud burp.

"I'm going to work. Did you pack my lunch?"

"Packed lunch?" The maid blinks.

"If there is none, It's alright. Just inform them to make me packed lunch when I go to work from now on"

"What would be in your packed lunch?" The maid asks.

"Anything? They can think of whatever. Make sure there is meat, vegetables,rice and fruit. Also a small dessert would be appreciated. It doesn't have to be so detailed."

The maid was so confused.


Last time I promote my story. That's a mistake cause I am just asking for someone to bash me hahahha. This time nobody needs to know about this story. Read if you want. Don't if you dislike. I have written so many drafts in google docs. I don't publish most of them. Only things I like alot. It does seem like I am half assing my stories since I don't finished most of them but I always try my best. It's not like I intend to do that. It just happened hahahahha

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