Missing You Dearly

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"In the coming days, a great fighting festival will be held in vaizel. The declared winner of this event will be given the right to have any wish granted." Meliodas said, reading what the flyers said, that had been passed out from the demon birds.

Hawk huffed through his nose, "Hold on. Isn't vaizel that town diane flattend like a pancake?" He asked.

Meliodas held his chin and had a smug expression on his face, his eyes were filled with interest in the prize, "I gotta admit, that prize they're offering is pretty tempting! Maybe I'll expand the tavern and even buy more outfits for my darling wife." He grinned devilishly of imagining y/n's in many types of outfits. He will choose for her.

"Oh. Come on now! You have to know that's a scam!" Howzer said, frowning.

"Hmm, so you think the ten commandments are behind this?" The pig questioned, looking at the group.

"No doubt about it. Can you think of anyone else who would do something as crazy as getting demons to hand out flyers?" The blonde knight said, his arms crossed.

"Meliodas, no matter how you look at it-" Hendrickson interrupted hawk, "no matter how you look at it, it's a trap." The former grandmaster said, trying to get meliodas to see that this is a bad idea to go to the fighting festival.

Hawk had an irk mark on his head. He glared at Hendrickson for cutting him off, "I was gonna say that!" He shouted but was ignored.

Elizabeth hummed, but she thought of y/n, she frown sadly, and she missed her beloved so much, it hurted her heart a lot. She really badly wanted to her again, she hoped, really hoped that y/n is gonna be over there, she did wanted to see her again 'I hope you are doing alright y/n, I miss you...'

'Great fighting festival?' Gilthunder though as he had his hand on his face, 'even if it is a trap, I want to be in a tournament like that with meliodas even y/n if she is there. Oh, what's the point? There's no way I can just come out-'

"Hey, gil." Howzer spoke, interrupting gilthunder thoughts as he placed his hand on his shoulder, having gilthunder to look over at his friend, "you want to be in it, right?" He asked with a smile.

"Huh?" He said with confusion.

"You just have this excited look on your face. So I kinda figured..." he trailed as the pinked haired male grimaced of getting caught, sweating nervously.

"All right, guys. I've got an idea!" The blonde haired man glanced over at his comrades, "since escanor's and y/n's signal just vanished into thin air, why don't we stop by?" He asked, smiling.

"Are you serious? Do you have some kind of plan or?" Hendrickson asked the blonde man.

Meliodas slammed his fist into his palm with a grin, "Nope! It just sounds like fun!" He snickered.

Howzer and Hendrickson dramatically fall from meliodas words as they exhaled heavily, gilthunder smiled happily, "yes!" He exclaims excited.

Meliodas spoke "anyway if you can excuse me." He goes upstairs, and howzer asked."Where is he going?" Hawk answered for the knight "to go sulk in his room. This is what he is like if y/n isn't with him and has been gone for too long." The knights sweatdropped, they knew that the dragon sin missed his wife but never knew he'll missed her this much.

In meliodas and y/n's bedroom, meliodas is laying on the bed, his face on the pillow of y/n's, groans of sadness and agony is heard from him as he hugged the pillow "y/nnnnnn~ please come back, my darling! I miss your perfect boobs and butt." He whined.

Meliodas held the pillow, he open his eyes with his green eyes filled with sadness and despair "but more importantly, I wanted you back by my side, I really miss you my love, please be there." He then reached his hand to his pocket, grabbing a small box, and he smiled.

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