The Battle For Liones

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In front of them was a giant red monster with horns and sharp teeth.

"Look at that monsters corpse!"

"So red and flabby. It gives me the creeps!" Diane shivered a bit of the look of the corpse of the demon.

"Impossible is that what I think it is?"

"Yeah, a demon." Meliodas confirmed.

"So they really existed then?" King stated in disbelief.

"The magical power emanating from that corpse matches what I sensed from Dale and the New Generation. It appears to be the root of this evil." Gowther assessed.

"Twenty years ago, when these remains were first discovered deep in the Fairy King's forest, this journey began." Hendrickson informed the group. "All that I have accomplished has been made possible by this Red Demon. Both the Old Generation and New experiments that gave us those compatible with Demon blood. The partial deciphering of the Dark Magic system. And now this..."

Hendrickson extended his arm, causing his Demon marking to explode from his finger tips, each of them to attack the members of the group.

Meliodas parried it with his sword, Diane using Gideon as a shield, King dodging the blow by floating, Gowther jumping over one, while Ban took one to the chest making him spit out blood. "At last, I myself wield the power of the Red Demon!"

"Ban!" Diane shouted to her comrade, Glancing over at the fox sin.

"If the Red Demon's power is your only ace in the hole, your best bet is to fold and walk away from the table." Ban ran to Hendrickson with the Demon marking still through his chest as he raised his arm."Cuz I'm the one who killed that fat freak!" Ban struck Hendrickson in the head, making the ground explode underneath him. Hendrickson fell through the dark hole in the ground.


Ban walks away from the gaping hole in the ground to grab his nunchucks. He holds them and then uses them to cut off the Red Demon's head. "Ban, you really killed that thing twenty years ago?" King questioned.

"Who killed what and when isn't important." Ban said as he ignored King's question.

Meliodas, Gowther, and Diane peered into the hole in the ground. "Forget about that. Take a look at the size of this hole!" Meliodas exclamed.

"I detect a slight breeze, which must mean there is a cave further down." Gowther told the group.

"Let's go." Meliodas said simply.

"But, I don't think I can fit down there." Diane complained.

"No problem, you can stay up here and keep a look out." Meliodas replied to Diane, "Just stay here and watch over y/n, keep her safe."

Ban glances over at where y/n's at and frowns of seeing her wounds as his heart clenched of how much pain she had to endure from the wounds.

"Okay, I will, but try to be careful!" Diane told them as meliodas, Ban, King and Gowther all descended into the hole after a while, they reached the ground.

"Good news, bad news. We made it down okay, but it's pitch black." Meliodas stated the obvious.

"You can't seem to flick that booger can you, Ban?" Gowther told the light blue haired male.

"Great, I guess one of us can see."

"Chastifol seventh configuration, Luminosity!" That's when King had his chastifol into a small looking Saturn, giving light for the others to see in the dark tunnel.

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