I Won't Let you Die

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"Come on, y/n. what's the big deal? just show me your sword already." ban said to y/n as he was sitting on a rock even y/n was sitting on the rock as well, she took sip of her ale from the mug that's in her hand.

"Why are you so interested in seeing this hunk of junk?" y/n asked him, she gazed at him with her eyebrows furrowed as she and the sins were on a mission and they were taking camp here to get some sleep but she and ban were the only ones up, she was getting a bit irritated of ban being curious of the sword "well last time I check you're the second captain of the Eight Deadly Sins, so why the hell you're walking around with a sword like that? I mean, did you really think I wouldn't be curious about it?" He grinned, looking at y/n who narrowed her eyes at him.

Meliodas was sleeping beside y/n, his head on her lap as she let him rest on her since she knew that he was tired from the long traveling, he had his eyes closed, snuggling his head against her lap causing ban to narrow his eyes at meliodas, letting out a quiet 'tsk'.

The fox sin stood up from his seat as he walked towards to y/n who eyed him suspiciously, following his movement before all of sudden he was already behind her, grabbing a hold of the handle of the broken sword "come on, just let me have a little peek princess?" he whispered to her ear, smirking, his breath sending shivers down her spine.

That's when the mug that y/n was holding drop to the ground having to bounce on the ground a few times, she grabbed hold of the handle of the sword tightly. "Let go ban." she warn coldly, she kept staring down the ground with her eyes shadowed.

Diane woken up of the noise, and she sat up, letting out a soft yawn, looking over at her comrades. "Hey you two, you still up?" she tiredly asked but ban and y/n didn't answer her back as ban kept his red eyes on y/n's figure, meliodas have waken as well and he sat up from his wife's lap, glancing over to see what's happening, only to have his eyes widened of seeing ba trying to do causing him to stand up quickly from his spot beside y/n, glaring at ban angrily who didn't give him a glance.

"Just step away. ban, you really don't want to make me upset." She warned him once again, keeping a tight hold on the handle of the sword, ban grinned of hearing those words, he started to get curious."Make you upset? Are you serious? You and I have been hanging out and spending time together for many years, and all those times, I have never seen you get upset once, princess." He smirked.

"I mean it ban..." she said coldly, without looking at him as the tall man can feel a shiver run down his spine of her cold tone but he just ignore her words and kept trying to speak of the words he wanted to asked to the (h/c) haired woman "that reminds me I'm also interesting of how you become the (f/a) sin of misery." This had y/n flinch lightly. Even meliodas glared at ban for being nosey.

The brunette giant watches what's happening with worry and curiosity while meliodas looks a bit anxious and furious. "Ban, just what do you think you're doing to y/n?" Diane asked the fox sin.

ban ignored her oncr again as he used two hands now on the handle of the sword and started to pull the sword, trying to take it from y/n but she kept a strong gripped on it, meliodas was head towards the fox din and push him away from her with a glare in his emerald eyes but his wife give him a look that made him halt and frown but he nodded either way and backed away.

"If doing this well, make me see you upset now, I want to see it even more. no, I want to steal it!" A small wicked smirk appear on y/n lips, her eyes widened a bit and one fast swing, she slice over the side of ban's neck, he skidded back to the ground and away from y/n. He had a smirk on his face as blood was splattered all over the side of his neck and his wound "well what you know. I just saw a hidden side of you, which is very amazing."

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